First and Second Chronicles Bible Commentary
You may download this Bible commentary on First and Second Chronicles as a single file or download it by specific chapters. This Bible commentary on First and Second Chronicles is from "College Press" and it is only for your personal use.
Bible Commentary on the book of First and Second Chronicles
Download this First Chronicles and Second Bible Commentary by chapter:
Book Of First Chronicles:
Introduction to First Chronicles
Genealogies from Adam to David
Genealogies from Adam to David Part Two
Genealogies from Adam to David Part Three
Genealogies from Adam to David Part Four
The Life of David and his Warriors
David and the Ark of the Covenant
The Ark Brought Back to Jerusalem
Israel's Conflict With Ammon
A Military Census and a Plague
Levites and their Duties
The Appointment of Musicians, Doorkeepers, and Temple Treasury Stewards
Military Organization
History of King Solomon
The Ark and the Temple
A Queen Comes to Jerusalem
Egypt Invades Israel
Second The Life of Jehoshaphat
Jehoshaphat and Ahab
The Life of King Jehoram
The Reign of Joash and the Rise and Fall of Amaziah
The Reign of Jotham
The Passover and Hezekiah
The Reformation of Josiah
Bibliography For First and Second Chronicles