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How Jesus and Moses are alike


1.      Moses was a great man.  This is indicated in Mt. 17.

2.      When Jesus was “transfigured” Moses was one of the people who got to see this event.

3.      At the transfiguration Moses and the Lord spoke.

4.      Moses may have been at this occasion because of who he was.

5.      According to the Old Testament Moses was a leader, a deliverer, a lawgiver, and a prophet.

6.      When we look at his life we find that he had connection to royalty.

7.      He was adopted by a king’s daughter.

8.      We heard the scripture reading that described him (Acts 7:22).

9.      Growing up he received one of the finest educations available in Egypt.

10.  He was mighty in words and works.

11.  Moses was such a great man that movies have been made about him.

12.  Copies of the Ten Commandments that he brought down have been displayed in public buildings.

13.  There is no doubt about the importance of Moses.

14.  In Acts 3 Peter presents an illustration that is based upon Moses.

15.  Let’s read verses 22-24 – READ.

16.  Moses was important.

17.  This great man said that a time would come when God would “raise up” someone else who was great.

18.  Moses said that God would bring someone like himself into the world.

19.  The “holy prophets” from long ago had even spoken about this.

20.  The person who was coming would also be a “prophet” (22b).

21.  Moses said that when this person arrived He needed to be obeyed.

22.  Notice the word “all” towards the end of verse 22.

23.  “Hearken in all things whatsoever he shall speak unto you.”

24.  Moses could have given this instruction and stopped.  He didn’t.

25.  He added the information in verse 23  – READ.

26.  Who was Moses thinking about?  Jesus.

27.  There are several points of comparison between the Lord and Moses.

28.  Tonight we want to look at some of these similarities.


29.  When we study the life of Moses and Jesus we may say that both were lawgivers.

30.  Moses was great.

31.  Through him came a law for an entire nation of people.

32.  The nation of Israel was a great nation.  The Hebrews were a mighty people.

33.  The law for this great nation came through Moses.

34.  Even Jesus recognized the importance of Moses as a lawgiver.

35.  In Jn. 1:17 the Lord said that the law came through Moses.

36.  Moses was very prominent but Jesus is greater.

37.  Think about some of the things Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount.

38.  In Mt. 5:17 Jesus said that He came to “fulfill the law.”

A.    Moses helped give the law.

B.     The Lord did much more.

C.     The word “fulfill” in Mt. 5:17 meant “to cause God’s will to be obeyed.”

D.    The word “fulfill” meant that Jesus came to fulfill what the law and the prophets had promised.


39.  Jesus did what Moses did and a whole lot more.

40.  The Lord not only “fulfilled” the Old Testament law He gave a new law.

41.  We call this new law the New Testament (covenant).

42.  The law from the Lord is distinct from the one given by Moses.

43.  Instead of being for a single nation the law from the Lord is for the entire world.

44.  We hear people talk about a single world government or international law.

45.  There is already a world government in place.

46.  There is already a large body of law that is international law.

47.  This law is known as the New Testament; the gospel; the Bible; the New covenant.

48.  God expects people to follow the law given by the Lord.

49.  Acts 3:22:  To him shall ye hearken.”

50.  How well should we listen to the Lord and His law?  The text says, “in all things.”

51.  What happens if we do not listen?

52.  Under the Law of Moses people were punished.

53.  Under the law of Christ the fate is far worse.

54.  Those who do not listen will be “utterly destroyed” (Acts 3:23b).




A.    One of the places where this subject is treated is the book of Hebrews.

B.     In Heb. 3 we are given some information about Jesus and Moses.

C.     The Hebrew writer said that both the Lord and Moses were “faithful.”

D.    Both of these men served the Father.

E.     Both were similar in some ways but very different in other ways.

F.      Here is what the text says – READ Heb. 3:2-6.


55.  Because of who Moses was he was entitled to “glory” (verse 3).

56.  At different times and in different ways Moses was honored.

57.  In Heb. 11 he is described as a man of faith.

58.  Heb. 11 also shows that he was committed to God’s people.

59.  Some type of spiritual song is associated with Him in Rev. 15:3.

60.  There scripture refers to the “song of Moses.”

61.  Instead of saying “reading the Bible” a Bible verse says “reading Moses” (2 Cor. 3:15).

62.  In 2 Cor. 3:7 we are told that Moses had a face that shined.

63.  It was so bright people could not look at his face.

64.  Moses was a man of stature and importance.

65.  Even God said that Moses was great.

66.  Notice Heb. 3:3 – READ.

67.  Jesus is worthy of “more glory” than Moses.

68.  This statement affirms that Moses was deserving of some glory.

69.  Another interesting point in Heb. 3 is in verses 5 and 6.

70.  Moses (verse 5) was faithful IN a house.  He was a good man.

71.  Jesus is “OVER” a house.  Both are great but the Lord is far superior.

72.  In Heb. 8:6 we are told that Jesus has a “more excellent ministry” than Moses.

73.  Heb. 10:1 indicates that what Moses had was only a “shadow” of the good things brought by Jesus.

74.  Moses was great for all the reasons already given.

75.  He was also great because he was a deliverer.

76.  He saved an entire nation of people and was instrumental in destroying an entire enemy force.

77.  This was a monumental moment in history but it pales in comparison to Jesus.

78.  Jesus is also in the business of rescuing people (Lk. 19:10 – quote).

79.  Moses saved people from physical death.

80.  Jesus saves people from spiritual death.

81.  Moses saved the lives of people but they eventually died.

82.  Those who are saved by the Lord are shielded from the long term consequences of death.

83.  Great men like Moses could serve as priests.

84.  The Lord became a great high priest who lives to make intercession for His people.

85.  Men like Moses could offer animals for sacrifices.

86.  Jesus offered Himself as a blemish free offering.

87.  Moses was meek.

88.  Jesus was meeker; He controlled His power so well that He submitted to dying on a cross.

89.  At different times Moses pleaded for God to spare the nation of Israel.

90.  The Lord prayed for all people.

91.  Jesus had concern for both the Hebrews and “other sheep” (Jn. 10:16).

92.  Jesus also pleaded for people while He was dying on the cross – “Father forgive them…”




A.    One example of this is found in Mt. 7:11.

B.     Jesus said that parents know how to give “good gifts” to their children.

C.     If we know how to do this, “how much more” God the Father knows how to do it.

D.    This type of argument is found again in Lk. 12:24.

E.     Jesus said that God feeds the birds.

F.      These creatures are of far les value than man, but God cares for them.

G.    If God cares for the smallest of birds, “how much more” is He inclined and willing to help us?

H.    In Lk. 12:28 Jesus used this technique again by appealing to flowers in the field.

I.       If God clothes the flowers will He not put a lot more effort into His people?


93.  The “how much more” principle applies to Moses and Jesus.

94.  Moses was great.  He was great of great faith and very prominent.

95.  He was so important that he was allowed to appear at the transfiguration.

96.  Yet, when we look at the transfiguration what do we find?

97.  Moses and Elijah were there for a while and then disappeared.

98.  A voice said, “This is my beloved Son:  hear ye him.”

99.  When we turn to Acts 3 what do we find?

100.          The text says “hear all the things He has to say to you.”

101.          Why?

102.          Jesus is similar to Moses in regard to His work but dissimilar in His importance.

103.          We sometimes sing songs that honor Jesus.

A.    Some of the words that are sung well express what has been said this evening.

B.     “Bring forth royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all.”

C.     “To Him all majesty ascribe, and crown Him Lord of all.”

D.    “Crown Him, Crown Him! Prophet, and priest, and king.


104.          Those who use computers sometimes try to safe keystrokes.

105.          On many programs there is an auto correct feature.  

106.          If I type mm the word “Moses” pops onto the screen (I save 3 letters and a shift key).

107.          For Jesus I simply type two small “j.s”

108.          It may sound a bit silly but some days typing “jj” for Jesus makes me wonder if a diff. Abbrev.

109.          Some days this almost seems irreverent.

110.          Moses was great but Jesus is far above Him.

111.          If we know who Jesus is we need to honor and glorify Him to the best of our ability each day.

112.          Jesus is king of kings and Lord of Lords.

113.          The information in Acts 3:22 is exactly right.

114.          We must listen to Him in “all things” or we will be “utterly destroyed.”

115.          Are we listening to the Lord?