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"One another" in the Bible


1.    Most agree that the book of Acts provide us with a picture of the first century church.

2.    This picture is especially interesting when we consider some of the words that Luke used.

3.    Moments ago we heard a few verses from Acts 1.

4.    According to the 12th verse the Lord’s disciples returned from Jerusalem.

5.    They entered into the “upper chamber” (verse 13).

6.    This gathering is described in verse 14 – READ

7.    Notice the words “one accord.”

8.    These two words are from a single word in the original text; this term is an adverb.

9.    This adverb occurs 12 times in the New Testament and 11 of these times are in the book of Acts.

10.  This single fact provides us with a lot of information.

11.  The New Testament has a word that means “one another, together, with one accord; unified.”

12.  11 of the places 12 places where this word occurs is in the book that describes the church.




A.  This is not true. 

B.  Let’s skip over to Acts 7.

C.  Stephen had some pretty hard things to say.

D.  He said those who were listening to his sermon were “stiff necked” (verse 51).

E.  The people didn’t enjoy being described in this way and they began to shout.

F.  They stopped listening to Stephen.

G.  Then the crowd rushed him.

H.  Verse 57 – READ

I.  The words “one accord” are from the same word that is used in Acts 1:14.

J.  In Acts 7 this word describes a mob.

K.  People banded together to hurt and ultimately kill someone.

L.  Some within the church have a difficult time understanding what “one accord” is.

M.  Saying that the church is to be united sometimes goes over people’s heads.

N.  Some brethren seem to think that this type of unity is impossible.

O.  All of us know what a united mob is like.

P.  If people band together to commit a crime or an evil deed we understand that.

Q.  Whether it is a murder, bank robbery, or a group assault, evil people can work together.

R.  The adverb being described describes a true team effort.

S.  Acts 7 uses this term in a negative way.

T.  Are there any other places that use this word in a bad way?

U.  Yes.  Let’s move a little more deeply into the book of Acts – 18.

V.  According to this chapter Paul was brought before an official.

W.  This was done because people had made some charges against Paul.

X.  They said this apostle persuaded people to worship in a way that contradicted the law (verse 13).

Y.  The people who opposed Paul were unified – VERSE 12 – READ

Z.  The people who opposed Paul all worked together.


2.  A third place where this word is used in a negative way is Acts 19:29.

A.  This chapter describes some business men.

B.  There were some shop owners who made their living by making idols.

C.  When Paul came to town and turned people away from idolatry these people got angry.

D.  There was a down turn in the local economy.

E.  People no longer wanted to buy the idols.

F.  The 29th verse is where the adverb we are looking at occurs – READ

G.  People became upset and they worked together.

H.  They formed a cohesive band to oppose the gospel.




A.  Some within the church, however, haven’t learned this lesson.

B.  Within some congregations there is little emphasis on or interest in being unified.

C.  God’s people sometimes have the attitude, “Everyone can go their own way.”

D.  “We do not need to be unified.”

E.  This is not how the church was designed to function.

F.  The book of Acts opens by saying that the disciples were joined together.

G.  They were all headed in the same direction and looking for the same things.

H.  Even the second chapter presents this image to us.

I.  Acts 2:1 – READ.

J.  This is a place where the KJV is to be preferred.

K.  This translation says the disciples were in “one accord.”      

L.  In Acts 2:1 the adverb describes a place (“in one place”).

M.  This usage of the word is suggestive.

N.  God’s people need to be unified in the sense that they all come to the same place.

O.  We live in a time when many congregations have split or are splitting.

P.  Some want to be in one place and others want to meet somewhere else.

Q.  We do not need to be a genius to know that we are the strongest when we combine our strength.

R.  We are the most effective when we work together as a team.

S.  We will have the most impact if we work and function as a unit.

T.  Thus, it behooves members of the church to be “in one place” and be of “one accord.”


4.  This is the example that we have from the first century church.

5.  If you have turned to Acts 2 let’s move to the end of this chapter.

6.  The word being described is also found in Acts 2:46 – READ.

7.  The expression “one accord” is from the adverb we are studying.

A.  This passage shows us that the first church was a team.

B.  The first Christians had the same master, same hope, and were all traveling the same road.

C.  These three things should still be true.

D.  For these reasons the 21st century church needs to be a place where people are of “one accord.”


8.  This is to be true of our daily and weekly interaction with each other.

9.  This is also true of our worship.

10.  If you are following along in the text let’s look at Acts 4:24.

11.  The first Christians were threatened.

12.  They decided to take the matter to God in prayer.

13.  This prayer is described in verse 24 – READ.

A.  When it was time to interact with God the first century church was united.

B.  Today when we pray in our assemblies the entire congregation should be praying.

C.  One man may be leading the prayer but as a group we are participating with him.

D.  We are following along and agreeing with him.

E.  His prayer is our prayer.

F.  His requests are our requests.

G.  This is why we say “amen” after people finish praying.

H.  Interacting with God involves other parts of our worship.

I.  When we sing we should form a unit.  We should be a group.

J.  Singing is not an individual act.

K.  Singing is not “I sing better or worse than him or her.”  

L.  Our voices should blend together to form a single praise to God.

M.  Sometimes people have what might be called an individual view of singing.

N.  “I sing well; he sings poorly.  I sing poorly; she sings well.”

O.  These ideas miss the point of congregational singing.

P.  The emphasis in the New Testament is upon the body (the whole; the group; church).

Q.  We contribute to the singing so we can be “of one accord.”

R.  Our contribution to the song service might be good or not  too good.  In the end it doesn’t matter.

S.  The key is to participate in such a way that we are part of the group.


14.  Another passage which uses this adverb is Acts 5:12.

15.  This is a special text.

16.  People from the world were getting to see what Christians were like.

17.  One of the things that they got to see was unity.

18.  READ Acts 5:12.

19.  Jesus once said that people would know they were His disciples by unity.

A.  It is sad to say that in some congregations God’s people are not known for their unity.

B.  Some are known for bitterness, backbiting, and maliciousness.

C.  The world is exposed to the very things that it has and doesn’t like.

D.  The model for the church in Acts 5:12 is a unity that is both real and visible to the world.

E.  This is what should exist and what should be projected to the unsaved.

F.  If any congregation lacks this type of bond it is off track.

G.  The oneness and unity of God’s people is one of the marks of the New Testament church.


20.  The last reference I want to cite for this word is Rom. 15:6.

21.  Paul spoke of God’s people glorify mouth with one accord.

22.  I cite this passage because it occurs outside the book of Acts.

23.  Paul told the Romans that they too needed to be of one mind.

24.  They needed to be working together as a unit.

25.  The book of Acts shows that Satan’s helpers know how to form a unified group.

26.  Those who are unsaved know how to work together.

27.  Will the church of today and tomorrow (if tomorrow comes) be as wise?

28.  Will we strive to be of “one accord?”

29.  We cannot control what happens in the rest of the brotherhood.

30.  We can have some control as to what happens here.

31.  We decide to contribute to or work against unity in a local congregation.

32.  In this area how are we doing as a Christian?

33.  If we are not a Christian is this something that appeals to us?

34.  Would we like to be a part of a unified and body that is spiritual family?