Gospel sermons

These “gospel sermons” are from a wide variety of sources and places.  Some of the speakers are living and some are not.

Sermons by Al Brown:

The man of sorrows

Jesus – man of sorrows

Clearing Obscurities in First Corinthians


Come ye out from among them

What a Christian should do

Sermons by Andrew Connally

Is Jesus’ next coming imminent?

The problem of materialism

A sermon on marriage, divorce and remarriage

Ladies’ Bible class (1)

Prophecy is one proof the Bible is from God

The church and the great commission (part 1)

The church and the great commission (part 2)

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah

Why do churches die?

Alan Cloyd

A report on restoration 

Criticisms Restoration Summit Meeting

Alan Hahn

New Hermeneutics

Alan Highers

Dangers facing the church

The model prayer

United Pentecostal church and the Godhead (trinity)

The church and the sword of the spirit 

The church and the sword of the spirit (2) 

The church and the sword of the spirit (3)

Correct church government 

The spirits of the prophets

A. G. Hobbs

Conclusion of the Matter

Is there not a cause?

Andy Kiser:

Final Judgement – Is this consistent with God?

Life or death?

Asa Keele

The darkness of atheism

Does God exist?

The importance of congregational singing

Learning from Abraham

We be brethren

Archie Luper

The providence of God

Abraham Lincoln

Budgetary giving

Avon Malone

Studies in Philippians

Studies in the book of Ephesians

Studies in Philippians (part 2)

The greatest thing that ever happened

A study in Romans 5

The need for Congregational unity


The church – afterthought or God’s eternal purpose?

The blood which was shed for me

Motives to morality

A charge I have

How fragile life really is

Voices that call us

The need for a great vision

Reaching the lost

Resolve to grow

Study of Acts 5

Study of Philippians (part 1)

Study of Philippians (part 2)

These things were not done in secret

The evangelistic Christian

Spirit of prophetic preaching

Made in God’s image but lost because of sin

What was the restoration?

The challenge of diminishing convictions in the church

God’s seed promise to Abraham

Oh the depth and the riches

God’s eternal purposes

May God supply all your needs

Discerning good and evil

None of self and all of thee

Manhood of Christ

The eternal Christ

Studies in Galatians

The Christ – the Son of God

Studies in Galatians (part 2)


The prophecy of Christ

Until the return of Christ

The incarnation of Christ

Studies in Galatians 2

Study of 1 Cor. 4

Study of Mt. 12

Living by the day

Overcoming fear

Come and I will give you rest

Taking up the cross daily

Will you not come to Him?

We do not well

Paul to the Colossians

Newness in Christ

The church is central to God’s plan

A study in Romans 1

The forgiving nature of Christ

The church is the body of Christ

The son of God

The death of Christ

The savior

The word is the power of God

The eyes and ears of the Almighty

Guilt and the Christian


The resurrection of Christ

Keep the lines of communication open

Plunged beneath the flood that cleanses the guilty stains

Oh, One that would heal your heart

Charles, I will see you in the morning

Prayer and providence

How Satan works (discussions about his techniques, 2 Cor. 11)

Unity in Christ

Maintain the unity and the bond of peace

Redemption in Christ

Studies in 1 Cor. 4

A sermon based on 1 Cor. 12

Living by the day

Overcoming fear

Come and I will give you rest

Take up the cross daily and follow Christ

Won’t you come to Him?

We do not well

Paul to the Colossians

Newness in Christ

The church, central to God’s plan

By grace are you saved through faith

Sermon on the prodigal son

The problem of sin (it is like leprosy)

A sermon on the newness of life in Christ

Jesus Christ will be the final judge for all men (a sermon)

How and when will Jesus be King?

Elevating Christ above self (a sermon)

How to have the abundant life

Freedom, grace and peace (spiritual blessings) in Christ

Showing works of faith and love

The grace of God

What a father owes his children

Labor of love and works of faith sermon

A sermon on the glory of the cross

Rejoice in the Lord

The responsibilities for parents

How to reach the unsaved

A sermon for father’s day

Giving your heart and life to Christ

We are more than conquerors

The word of God strengthens our faith

Speaking the truth in love

Serving Jesus every day

Studies in First Thessalonians

He that believes and is baptized shall be saved

The bread of life

God goes there for you

The churches in Macedonia

Fighting the good fight of faith

Love is what matters most

The book of Philemon (a sermon)

If you love me you will keep my commandments

A sermon on 1 Cor. 2

For the love of the son

The book of Ephesians

Victory in Jesus

Victory in Jesus (part 2)

Marriage, divorce and remarriage

Pardon accepted or pardon refused

The broken hearted

The misunderstood church

Helping those with broken hearts

Bread of life sermon

Walking in the newness of life

What is life?

Belief in God

Life is a blessing from God

Today is the only day on God’s calendar

The church in the mind of God before creation

The church in the mind of God before creation (part 2)

Not ashamed of the gospel

Run and tell the young man

Don’t miss the joy

The true resurrection

Sermon on 1 Cor. 7

The forgiveness of sins

Atonement through the cross

The agony of the cross

The atonement

The agony of the cross

The ministry of reconciliation

Sermon on First Corinthians One

I am the way

How to overcome fear

The joy of the soul

Justified by faith

What can separate us from the love of God?

The choice to live

Trust in God versus worry

The rewards of evangelism

Spreading the gospel of Christ

The price to be redeemed from sin

We are more than conquerors

Christ lives in me

My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?

Will we choose life or death?

An introduction to the book of Second Corinthians

Coming back to the church

The birth of Jesus Christ

Jesus is the light of the world

Behold the goodness and severity of God

Three blind men and an elephant

That can stand which none of us can avail

We must make a choice when it comes to life

God is love

Living with purpose

What does require of me?

Balm of Gilead sermon

Mary and Maratha sermon

Agnostic apologetics – an impossibility

Esau sold his birthright

How morality has changed

Speak, for thy servant heareth

Lessons from King Uzziah

Consider your ways

Metaphors in the Bible

Studies by Al Macias

Studies in Daniel 11

The right life manifested in the Christian

More gospel sermons