IT’S IMPORTANT TO be careful where you place your trust…
Some barbers say “trust me” as half of your eyebrow falls into your lap.
Some dentists say “trust me” as they drill down deeper than Exxon.
Some postal workers say “trust me,” stamp your package “Fragile,” and then drop-kick it into the parcel bin.
Some manicurists say “trust me,” as they push your cuticles back to your elbow.
Some mechanics say “trust me,” then make your engine purr like a kitten…with strep throat.
Some friends say “trust me” as they borrow your favorite shirt, accidentally wash it in hot water, then hand you back a swatch.
A lot of people say “trust me,” but don’t quite earn your trust. They fall short of their promises, and leave you wishing you hadn’t placed your faith in them in the first place.
THOUGHT: Aren’t you glad, though, that when God says “trust Me,” you can? (Martha Bolton)
–Mike Benson
“He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him” ( Prov. 30:5b KJV).