If you listen enough to radio, and especially talk radio, one of the most frequently advertized services is from a company called “Life Lock.” Not only do they “guarantee” to protect your identity, they back that guarantee with more than $1 million in promised financial aid should your identity be stolen. In 1997 consumers and institutions lost an estimated $745 million to identity theft. It is estimated that loss now to be more than $1.5 billion annually and growing. Identity theft occurs when a person’s social security number, credit card number, phone number, etc., is discovered by a thief who then uses that information for personal gain. Since the late 1970’s paper shredders have become increasingly popular, and no doubt our technological age will continue to provide such services as that offered by Life Lock.
While identity theft is no small inconvenience, it pales in comparison to the wide spread theft that Satan inflicts upon the masses every single day. He has been busy for well nigh unto six millennium drawing men away from their Creator and inflicting immeasurable harm on men and women both here, and eventually in eternity. He robs men of happiness and peace, hope and contentment. Worst, he has robbed every single soul of his spiritual identity, separating the innocent and unsuspecting from their walk with God (Isa. 59:1-2).
There is a safe guard against the effects of Satan’s thievery. No, we cannot prevent his entering into our life, but we can recover our losses and restore what we once enjoyed. The restoration process is so perfect, so complete, and so very simple that it astounds us that more men and women do not take advantage of it. When one hears the gospel (Rom. 10:17), believes in his heart that Jesus is the Son of God (John 8:24), and is willing to confess that fact as did Peter (Matt. 16:16-18), he but needs only to repent and be baptized for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). He is then born of water and the Spirit (John 3:3-5) and thereby becomes a part of the family of God. His “identity” is restored, and he enjoys the fellowship with the Father and Son that the devil stole by deceit and subtlety. A faithful walk in the light will eventually see him to the eternal home promised for all the redeemed (Rev. 2:10; 1 John 1:6-8). That, my dear friends, is the ultimate “Life Lock.”
–by Tom Wacaster
Life poll: a poll on the lifelock service:
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