SOMETIMES IT’S HARD to sell people on the value of integrity…
From all outward appearances, it doesn’t “pay” to be honest.
There were certainly times in the life of Joseph when he must have been tempted to say, “What good has it ever done to me to walk the straight path?” Here was a young man who remained committed to integrity no matter what the cost. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, he was eventually falsely accused and thrown into a dungeon before finally being vindicated by the Lord.
When Joseph ran from the crude seduction of Potiphar’s wife, he wasn’t just running from a woman. He was running from anything that would abort God’s purposes in his life.
Do you remember what he told that adulteress (probably again and again)? “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?” (Gen. 39:9).
He chose God’s way. He chose to see God’s purposes fulfilled in his life rather than fulfilling a passing fleshly fancy. He feared losing God’s blessing upon his life. That’s why he didn’t walk or stroll out of that woman’s presence, he RAN.
THOUGHT: Integrity says, what I am in public, I am also in private. Integrity is what you do when you’re alone, and no one’s eye is upon you but the Lord’s. (Ron Mehl)
“Discretion will preserve you; understanding will keep you” (Proverbs 2:11).
–Mike Benson