Impatient Christians

 A Christian brother and I went to eat while attending a college lectureship. We were joking with the waitress who seemed rather frustrated with the crowd. We inquired about her religion and she answered: “I quit attending a church because I serve so many impatient Christians.”
This hit me hard so I observed the customers. They were rude and   demanding. This taught me a great lesson. Nine thousand Christians had assembled to fellowship; our giants were there to lecture; the lectures were powerful enough to convert any sinner; many new programs, missions, and plans were announced. But this lady didn’t hear those sermons. She just saw 9,000 people whose religion had not made them courteous and kind. She saw 9,000 demanding, rude, loud, overbearing people! And if this was Christianity, she didn’t want any part of it.
Perhaps this was just her excuse and if so God will judge! But I’m persuaded that more people are saved or lost by trivial courtesies than by good or bad sermons.
The best sermon cannot touch the man whose heart has been touched by the Christian who doesn’t care about people and their feelings. It really is the “little things in life that count.” It is the smile, the thought, the pleasant word, the patience, the name, the handshake. Trivialities can become tragedies–the frown, the hard statement, the impatience, the rudeness. Christians be thoughtful, courteous and kind.  CHRISTIANS BE CAREFUL! God is watching! Children are watching! Friends are watching! Total strangers are watching!

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful in much; and he that is unjust in the least is also unjust in much” [Luke 16:10].
The author of this article is unknown to me.  If you know who wrote it, please add a comment with that information.
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