Be prepared (not just a Boy Scout Motto)

“Prepare the way for the Lord, make his paths straight.” –Mark 1:3 NET

Preparation. Doing things ahead of time, so that when the time comes, you’re ready.

The Lord sent John the Immersor to prepare Israel for the Messiah’s arrival. His coming required preparation: repentance and faith in the man whose ways would be stranger, in one sense, than John’s.

Although Christ’s coming would be a unique moment, the principle of preparation still applies. Some moments in life require preparation ahead of time.

We must prepare for the moment of temptation, with prayer and with a knowledge of God’s word. Because the unprepared will give in to the attractions and pressures of Satan.

We need to prepare for the moment of conflict, with patience and with love to do what is best for the other person. Otherwise, we’ll worsen the clash, rather than creating a climate for peace.

We ought to prepare for the arrival of a new year, with plans and concrete objectives, taking advantage of a God-given marker of time to re-evaluate and re-energize. Otherwise, we’ll keep on doing what we’re doing, and perhaps institutionalize our low efficiency and lack of effectiveness.

We need to prepare for the encounter with the non-Christian, knowledgeable about the gospel and about the modern mentality, ready to give an answer, to offer to study, to open the Bible to the right passage. Without that, we’ll let that pagan continue on the path to perdition.

We must prepare ourselves for the second coming of Christ, when he comes to scoop up his people, with vigilance and obedience to the will of God. If we sleep, we will lose out. Big time. Big eternity.

In spite of the many Old Testament prophecies and in spite of John’s preaching, few people welcomed Jesus as the Messiah. And few today are prepared spiritually.

Are you among that few?

— J. Randal Matheny @

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