We were unable to post yesterday due to technical difficulties.  After tomorrow’s studies, we will be on break until 9/19.

Topic:  “Taming the Tongue”

Texts:  James 3:1-12, 1:26

Aim:  to introduce the series and to emphasize the importance of being careful with our words.

TRIVIA QUIZ:   In this new series on “Taming the Tongue” we will consider the power of words.  Probably nothing in our culture illustrates the power of words more than commercials!  Just for fun, see if you can identify what company used the following slogans from the past.

“When you care enough to send the very best”    [ANSWER: Hallmark Cards]

“The quicker picker-upper”      [Bounty paper towels – this slogan first aired in 1971]

“Good to the last drop”    [Maxwell House coffee – first used in 1915]         “Must see TV”  [NBC]

“It’s late. Eat more”  [Taco Bell]                 “Get a piece of the rock”    [Prudential Insurance]

“Obey your thirst”   [Sprite]                 “Never had it, never will”  [7-Up]          “We try harder”  [Avis]

“Everywhere you want to be”   [Visa credit card – first aired in 1988]      “Think outside the box”  [Apple]

“When it rains, it pours”   [Morton Salt – used continuously since 1911]       “Wassup?”   [Budweiser]

“Stay with someone you know”  [Holiday Inn]                “Less filling, tastes great” [Miller Light]

“Taste the sensation”  [York Peppermint Patty]               “I’d walk a mile for  a……” [Camel cigarettes]

“The happiest place on earth”   [Disneyland]                  “Betcha can’t eat just one”   [Lays Potato Chips]

“Where’s the beef?”     [Wendy’s hamburgers]        EXTRA CREDIT:    a.  In what year did the “Where’s the beef?” commercial first air?  [1984]          b. What presidential candidate used the slogan in his campaign?  [Walter Mondale]           c.  Wendy’s dropped actress Clara Peller the following year after she appeared in another company’s commercial to declare, “I found it – I finally found it!” What product was she endorsing in that commercial?   [Prego Spaghetti Sauce].

COMPLETE THIS SLOGAN introduced in 1975:   “Two all beef patties……”     [“….special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onion, on a sesame seed bun.”]    What is it describing?  [A “Big Mac.”]

Corporations spend untold millions of dollars on slogans because they recognize that the right phrase can have a powerful influence on our purchasing decisions.  In the same way, the Bible cautions us that using the wrong words can have a powerful influence for bad and can cause great damage to ourselves and to others.  Please TURN to the book of James (near the back of your New Testament), Chapter 3.

READ Verses 1-12   DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1. What would you say is the main point James is trying to make in this passage?   Or to put it another way, if you were preparing a lesson on this passage, what title would you give it?              2.  One of the points James emphasizes is the potential damage we can cause when we don’t choose our words carefully.  Let’s reflect for a moment on the many different ways we can SIN with our words.  What are some of the ways we can cause harm to others or to ourselves with the things that we say?    Possible Answers:   Lying;   Swearing;  Taking God’s name in vain;  Hurtful criticism;   Teaching false doctrine;   Gossiping;   Slander;   Flattery.

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Of all those sins, which would you consider the WORST, and why?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1. James clearly wants us to understand how quickly we can get in trouble with what we say.   Not all careless words lead to SIN:  sometimes they just lead to embarrassment!   ALL of us have had times when we unintentionally said the wrong thing and “put our foot in our mouth.”  Can you recall an occasion when that happened to you?   And if so, would you be brave enough to share your experience with the group?            2.  We cannot “un-say” something we have said, so what would you suggest is the best way to respond when we accidentally say something embarrassing?

READ Verse 1   DISCUSSION QUESTION:  When we read the Great Commission, we learn that Jesus wants us to make disciples by “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”  Is James contradicting Jesus?  Do you feel that James is trying to discourage people from becoming teachers?                      Background Note:  See Hebrews 5:11-14; 1 Corinthians 12:28;  Ephesians 4:11-13.

DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Teachers are people who have to be EXTRA-careful with their words.  What are some other occupations that require people to closely monitor their speech?    Possible Answers:  Government leaders; Preachers;   Hostage Negotiators;   Television Announcers.  

 DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Can you think of an example of an individual in a public position who got into trouble because he or she DIDN’T closely monitor his or her words?  If so, what public figure was it and what happened as a result?

READ Verse 2    DISCUSSION QUESTION:  Now the focus switches from teachers to ALL of us. James says, “If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.”  Which of the following statements most closely describes what you think he means:

  • Is he saying, a. “The minute you forget to monitor your words is the moment you’re heading for a fall, so don’t let your guard down when you speak.”
  • Or does James mean, b. “Don’t become discouraged when you slip up in your speech, because it’s impossible to be that perfect.”
  • Or could he be saying, c. “Work first on controlling your words, because once you’ve got your speech under control, the rest is easy.”

READ Verses 3-5    DISCUSSION QUESTION:  James uses three different metaphors to describe the potential power of the tongue:  a BIT, a RUDDER, and a SPARK.   What is one characteristic that all three of these pictures have in common, and what does that suggest about the tongue?

READ Verse 6-8     Perhaps James uses such strong language to describe the potential destructiveness of careless speech because so many people underestimate how much pain they can cause with their words.

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS:  1. Why do you suppose that is?  In your opinion, why do so many people fail to realize the destructive power of the tongue until the damage has been done?

  1. I am confused by Verse 8. If “no man can tame the tongue,” then what’s the use of trying?  Does James mean this is a hopeless cause?

READ Verses 9-12   DISCUSSION QUESTION:  We can recognize the inconsistency of having a tongue that praises God on Sunday and curses another person on Monday, but why do you suppose James goes on to remind us that all humans are “MADE IN GOD’S LIKENESS”?  Why might it be important to remember that particular phrase when we are tempted to swear at another person?

TURN BACK to Chapter 1 of the book of James.  READ Verse 26.    DISCUSSION QUESTION:  James urges us to “keep a tight rein” on our tongue, but HOW do we go about doing that?  What would you say is one specific suggestion that could help us to better control our speech? 

SUMMARY STATEMENT:   James repeatedly warns us of the power of unguarded words to cause great damage.  In the coming weeks we will learn how to avoid such devastation!

NEXT WEEK we will begin to consider specific Scriptural principles that can help us better control our speech.  The first principle will be “Listen Before You Speak.”  To prepare for that conversation, read James 1:19-27 and Luke 6:43-45.

 © Dan Williams

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