All the trends and tendencies that make the modern left so corrosive, are on display front and center in today’s America

I read an interesting and encouraging editorial in The Weekly Standard this week. When it seems that wrong is on the throne and right is trampled in the gutter, along comes an observation that reminds us that evil will not succeed, and truth will triumph. I share with you two quotes from William Kristol: “All the trends and tendencies that make the modern left so corrosive, are on display front and center in today’s America.”

As Kevin Williamson puts it, ‘We have officially reached peak leftism.’ Williamson interprets this moment as one of leftists desperation.” Mr. Kristol takes all of this as an indication that, for the leftists, time is running out, and at last “some scales are starting to fall from some eyes.” Our struggle for truth and righteousness may, at times, appear to be a losing battle; but it is only an allusion. We have been promised the victory; all we have to do is fight the battle. “And let us not be weary in well-doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9). The full realization of that one truth will make any “bad-hair-day” bearable, will it not?

~~~~~~~ by Tom Wacaster


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