Undoing the Works of the Devil
The text comes from 1 John 3:8: “To this end the Son of God has been manifested, that he might undo the works of the devil” (Darby Translation). Most translations use the word “destroy” for “undo.” The Greek word (luo) means “loose, untie, set free, break up into its component parts, destroy, bring to an end, abolish, do away with” (BAGD, 483).
John, of course, is referring to the Savior’s death on the cross and how that, and the ensuing resurrection, put an end to Satan’s power over us in sin and death. Thank God that Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
But, in another sense, you and I assist in undoing the works of the devil. Satan uses all manner of events and tragedies in life in order to turn human beings away from God. He brings diseases in this world. He strikes men with death. He causes accidents and natural disasters. Divorce, child abuse, all the things that plaque human beings are brought about, caused, by Satan in an effort to get men and women to reject a faith, or their faith, in God.
But you and I can help undo the works of the devil by sharing the love and message of Christ with them.
We undo the diseases that Satan causes by ministering to the physical health of people. Christian doctors and nurses certainly are at the frontline in this battle but you might just buy medicine at the local pharmacy for someone who is in need. Ultimately, human diseases were put on Jesus, on the cross, to carry them away (Matt. 8:17). He will destroy the works of Satan; you and I can help undo them in the lives of individuals.
We undo death that Satan holds over people when we teach them the Gospel of life (Acts 5:20) from the Prince of Life (Acts 3:15) and they obey it. Death has no power over them any more (1 Cor. 15:54-57).
We undo the accidents that Satan causes by ministering to those who are in need. Therapists, occupational, physical, speech, etc., are at the frontline in this battle. You and I also help undo these tragedies when we minister and serve in the small ways we can.
We undo natural disasters in the same way, ministering to those who are hurting. A person who has lost a home, belongings, or even family in a natural disaster is being afflicted by Satan with a trauma designed to get them to curse God and die (cf. Job 2:9). Christians can undo the works of Satan by showing the love of Christ to those in pain, helping explain how Satan works and how God heals.
We undo the effects of divorce, child abuse, ignorance, and all the other ways through which Satan works by sharing the love of Christ and the message of hope and healing from His word. You and I, every Christian, is at the forefront of each battle, working to undo the works of Satan while we leave it to Christ to ultimately destroy the works of Satan.
Yes, ultimately it is Christ and Him alone who can destroy the works of Satan. But you can I are called to be ministers alongside Him and we can undo the effects, to a limited degree, of that old Serpent.
Paul Holland