If one could spend $50 million dollars to receive $50 billion dollars in return, would he not do so?

Are You Near-sighted?

In the year 2000, the CEO of an up and coming company, offered to sell his company to Blockbuster for $50 million dollars.  The executives at Blockbuster not only rejected this offer, but nearly laughed this man out of their office.

The company they turned down was Netflix. Today, Netflix is valued at over $56 Billion dollars. The executives of Blockbuster, who filed for bankruptcy in 2010, are probably not laughing now at their missed opportunity.

If one could spend $50 million dollars to receive $50 billion dollars in return, would he not do so?

But here’s an even better question to consider.  If one could spend his life in service to God, and in return receive Heaven for eternity, would he not do so? Give it some thought.


by Steve Higginbotham

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