The buoy they were playing with was actually WWII era mine

All at once he followed her like an ox going to the slaughter, like a deer stepping into a noose (Proverbs 7:22).”

A recent day at the beach offered more than the Gravell family bargained for. Upon their arrival, their two children began playing with a buoy that had washed up on the shore.1 They even posted pictures on Facebook with the kids cavorting around the curiosity that the tide washed up. But a few days later their posting gathered some serious attention when it was learned that the buoy was actually WWII era mine – they were playing with a bomb! The bomb squad collected the device and detonated it in a controlled explosion.

Many have toyed with sin in a similar fashion not realizing how deadly a thing it is (Romans 6:23). Every theft begins with coveting. Tick. The adulterous affair was initiated by “innocent” flirtation. Tick. Substance abuse is the result of believing that “a little never hurt anyone.” BOOM!

It was reported that a 12 year employee of Hewlett-Packard was sentenced to 21 months in prison for embezzling nearly $1 million dollars.2 The administrative assistant was responsible for managing corporate credit cards for executives but she pulled aside thousand for herself at Neiman Marcus. Tick. And several thousand more at the Apple Store. Tick. And over $100,000 at the La Costa Resort Spa. BOOM! She told the judge, “I would love for a do over and admittedly I am scared to go to prison…But I know there must be consequences.”

David toyed with explosive sin also. Spying Bathsheba he did not break his gaze but instead beheld her with his eyes (2 Samuel 11:2). Tick. He inquired as to who she was. “She’s married to Uriah the Hittite (v.3). Tick. Then David sent messengers for her and committed adultery with her (v.4). Tick. Then Bathsheba sent and told David, “I’m pregnant (v.5).” BOOM!

Samson wasn’t interested in finding a wife among those of his own faith (Judges 14:3, Deuteronomy 7:3, 1 Kings 11:4, Nehemiah 13:26). Instead he pursued a foreigner who did not fear God (Judges 16:4). Tick. She asked for the secret of his strength and he toyed with her saying that fresh bowstrings were his kryptonite (v.7). Tick. She tried him again, while another ambush was set (vv.11-12). Tick. Finally, Samson told the femme fatale that a haircut would render him defenseless (v.17-21). Then the LORD departed from him. BOOM!

And thus have countless souls met their doom throughout the generations. Sin is pleasant for a while (Hebrews 11:25) but it slowly hardens the heart and weakens one’s power to reject its allure (Hebrews 3:13). Repeatedly, Christians are warned not to be deceived by sin (1 Corinthians 6:9, Galatians 6:7, 1 Timothy 2:14). Sin is not to be toyed with as though one might be able to simply sample just a taste and not succumb to its poisonous properties. Be sure your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23b).

For the next few weeks we will continue to examine the dangers of sin so that we might safely avoid its explosive consequences.

“In order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11).”

Billy Alexander

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