What Would You Do for A KLONDIKE Bar?

It has been a while since I have seen this commercial and I imagine it has been a while for you too. Still, the line sticks in my head, “What would you do for a Klondike Bar”? The thought, of course, is the KB is sooooo good that a person will do anything to get their hands on one. Now make no mistake, they are good! But would you really do any thing to get one? Of course not.

Our everyday life can be like that, as we must make decisions regarding what we will and will not do to reach our goals. Some are easy decisions. Personally, I don’t know anyone, that would rob a bank or kill someone to reach their goal, but there are those that would. Some are in the news almost every day.

As we live the Christian life, there are decisions to be made. Of course, sometime in the past, you made a decision to be a follower of Christ. It became your choice to spend eternity in heaven with other like-minded people.

Now as we move along toward that goal, there are decisions to be made, and it must be considered if the decision will lead me closer to my goal, of heaven, or lead me away from my goal.

We must consider, too, what effect our actions will have. Will our actions help or hinder those around me? Such as, family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. Again, you never know what effect your actions will have on them. Our actions could lead them closer to a decision to follow God or lead them away.

I still remember years ago when my daughter was in High School and a member of the church said, “Dick if you are not careful Autumn will grow up to me just like you”. I said, “I hope so”! Yes, “Just like me same values, same attitude toward the church, with her same goal being heaven”. Really, if people can’t live, act, and have our same attitude and values that I have and expect to go to heaven who needs to change? That’s, right I do. Remember the words of Jesus, “Take the speck out of your own eye first”.

Here is an example of people knowing things about you though you never told them. Few weeks ago, Deanna was getting into the car to go to the store when one of our neighbors stopped her and said, “I know you go to church a lot, will you pray for me”? She went on to say, “I am being forced out of the place where I work, and I need this job”. You never know who is watching.

Let me give you another example from my own life. During the time I worked with the school I served as the campaign coordinator. Of the 12 or so campaigns we conducted each year several would be in California. Now as a cost saving measure we would stop at one of the casinos in Las Vegas. At the time you could get an all you can eat dinner for $1.99. Yes, it has been many years ago.

Now, other than having dinner, I learned this lesson. When I returned to Bear Valley a couple of weeks later one of the members said, “I saw you in Vegas”. I said, “Why didn’t you say something, we could have had dinner together”. He then said, “I could have but I just wanted to see what you guys were going to do”. Again, you never know who is watching, other than God. That was the last time I have been in a casino. Example! Example! Example!

Make no mistake there are many things to lead us away from our goal, which is heaven and we influence many day by day.

So, again let us be true to our goal, eternity with our Father.

Dick Brant


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