God bless faithful grandparents

I see it more and more in churches these days. Grandparents enter the building, their hair grey and their bodies a little worn, preceded by bouncing, rambunctious grandchildren.

I note that there is a generation missing.

Please don’t misunderstand. I know many good parents who move heaven and earth to lead their children spiritually. The parents of my grandchildren are both good, faithful Christians. But you and I both know this other phenomenon exists, too. The grandchildren suffer broken homes or parents who have fallen away from their faith. It is at this delicate juncture that grandparents intervene. “Can I take the kids to church?” “Can I pay for their church camp?” Grandparents do what they can to keep their grandchildren faithful.

God bless you, faithful grandparents.

Of course, this is not the ideal way to ensure faith in these precious little ones. But we do the best we can with what we have.

Timothy’s faithfulness occurred in the absence of a believing father. Sliding into his place was his grandmother Lois. “I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well” (2 Timothy 1:5). Israel, bent and blind with age placed his hands gently on his grandsons’ heads and blessed them (Genesis 48:15,16).

Grandparents, don’t give up on your grandchildren’s spiritual lives. If you care about their future in this life, you most certainly should care about their future in eternal life. You are their best last chance. Make a difference!

Stan Mitchell

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