In July 2005, I went to a doctor for blood work.

“Drifting Away” (Hebrews 2:1-3a)

   There are times when something “bad” happens to a believer, they blame God, and boldly and defiantly decide to stop serving God.  However, that is not how the majority of Christians spiritually die.  The majority who fall away do so very gradually.  They themselves usually don’t even notice it, they just gradually drift away from spiritual things.

In July 2005, I went to a doctor for blood work. My triglycerides, cholesterol, and blood sugar were at levels that the doctor expressed surprise that I was still alive!  I still felt pretty good; felt healthy, and if anyone (other than a doctor), told me I wasn’t healthy I would have heartily disagreed with them!  But, when put to the test, I failed.  I completely changed my diet and began a disciplined exercise program.  As soon as I began to do this, I could tell I wasn’t in very good physical condition, and I wondered, “When and how did I drift so far out of shape?!”  Though it was hard to accept, I believed the doctor, followed his orders, took off all my flabbiness, and got my health restored.

Analyzing my situation, I realized that I had paid no attention to what I asked my body to digest, and kept convincing myself that I didn’t have time to do those things necessary to stay in good physical condition.

I wonder how many discipline themselves to take the time in our busy world to exercise spiritually.  How many claim to “fear God” (Luke 12:4-5), yet pay no attention to what they “digest,” have become spiritually “flabby,” and don’t even know it?  They feel good; they feel healthy; and if someone tells them their spiritual health is deteriorating they would heartily disagree.  But, if put to the test (2Corinthians 13:5), they would fail.

The Hebrew writer urges us to take “earnest heed lest we drift,” because drifting away from spiritual things will lead to eternal spiritual death.  If you are “drifting,” you need to let down the only Anchor for your soul: Jesus, who is the Christ (Hebrews 6:19-20).

–Toby Miller

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