You Are Never Alone-Our Elders Care

Have you ever noticed when there are a group of geese feeding or resting, a few are not resting? These are the sentinels or guards. They are always alert for danger listening and watching, ready to give the warning.

They have an incredible sense of sight and hearing and issue out a very loud warning honk in the event of danger. Also, wherever geese congregate other birds will visit the pond, lake or field to take advantage of this early warning system.

While it is true, there can be safety in numbers; it is only true when the threat or danger is known. Everyday life can be like that. Our trust many times is in others, that we believe to know the truth, and have our best interest at heart.

 In the church, the ones that are on guard for our souls are the elders.

     Hebrews 13:17, “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit to them: for they watch in behalf of your souls, as they that shall give account; that they may do this with joy, and not with grief: for this were unprofitable for you.”

     Acts 20:28 “Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.”

It is true, the elders do many things, and we could make a list, but of all the things they do guarding our soul is what it is all about. The elders ensure the teaching and preaching is correct, and establish training programs that each of us may be better equipped to serve.

Of course, they carry out the work through others that they have ensured are qualified to serve in an assigned area. We all know that not any one person can do everything. But again, skilled is the keyword. Remember we are the sheep and elders are the shepherds, they watch on behalf of our soul.

When you consider the one guarding the flock of geese, when it is said and done, so a goose dies. So what. But as a child of God, it is a big deal. No one wants to be lost, and that is where the elders, the shepherds, the guardians of our souls come in. They are watching for every danger, dangers that may come from the outside and dangers that might arise from within the flock.

Every soul that is struggling is a particular concern of the elders. They don’t want any to be lost. As noted in Heb. 13:17, “They shall give account. ”  So as you live the Christian life day-by-day know you are not alone.

Remember too, just as the geese have other birds around them because of the safety the flock affords them, there will be those around us because of the safety of our lifestyle. In those cases take the opportunity to teach them. They need to be a true part of the flock.

You Are Never Alone-Our Elders Care

Dick Brant

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