24-year-old woman noticed money raining down and swirling around

Most of us are familiar with the phrase, “It’s raining cats and dogs,” but what about “it’s raining fish and frogs”?  Apparently, there have been several occasions when fish and frogs have literally rained down from the sky (Weather Bug).  Fish and frogs haven’t been the only odd things to fall out of the sky.  Here are some others.

Money – Several years ago a 24-year-old woman was driving down the road when she noticed money raining down and swirling around.  She collected a substantial amount and later turned it into the police (Reuters).

Golf Balls – Back in 1969, dozens and dozens of actual golf balls, not golf ball-sized hail, rained down in Punta Gorda, FL (Popular Mechanics).

Worms – Just a couple of years ago school children laughed and ran for cover when it began to rain worms during their PE class (STV News).

Spiders – In 2007 a bunch of spiders rained down on some unsuspecting hikers in Argentina.  I’m getting chills just thinking about it!

Sharks – Last year a shark fell from the sky and landed on the 12th tee of a golf course in Southern California (CBS).

In Scripture, there are also several accounts of strange things falling from the sky.  What fell from the sky often depended on the people’s spiritual state.  For the wicked, God rained down things like severe hail and fire (Exodus 9:23-25), powder and dust (Deuteronomy 28:24) or fire and brimstone (Luke 17:29; Genesis 19:24).  For the righteous people, God rained down manna and quail to provide for their needs (Exodus 16; Psalm 78:24, 27).

Today, the condition of our spiritual lives makes a huge difference as to what God will send our way.  If we are sinful, He will “pour out” His wrath and condemnation against us (2 Chronicles 34:21, 24-25).  For the godly, He has already “poured out” love and the precious saving blood of His Son for us (Romans 5:5; Matthew 26:28).

What God rains down on us largely hinges on the way we choose to live.  Let’s make sure we live in such a way so God rains blessings upon us (Hosea 10:12; Ephesians 1:3-10).

Brett Petrillo

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