Church leaders are failing if they don’t tap into the incredible talent of their older members

Usefulness of older Christians

Despite her advanced age, near blindness, constant migraines and difficulty walking, Sister Laird was the hardest worker in the congregation. She did everything she could do to serve the Lord and the brethren around her.

God doesn’t want us to retire from the Lord’s work. Instead, we should remember the Lord’s admonition to Moses, “what is that in your hand?” (Exodus 4:2, NKJV).

When Solomon said, “Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might,” (Ecclesiastes 9:10, NET), it didn’t include degrees of usefulness or skill. When we’re slowed by health or infirmities, we can still fulfill that command.

As long as life remains, we have abilities, areas of influence and the context to use them. If we’ve been transformed by the gospel, we should continually find our place, purpose and potential in the Lord’s work.

“The sun setting is no less beautiful than the sun rising.”

Older Christians should possess wisdom and the experience to teach, serve and inspire others. However, it isn’t axiomatic. Wisdom will only come if we’ve worked through the years to grow and mature.

Everyone has a comfort zone but sadly too many older people turn it into a steel bunker. They are no longer flexible or adaptable. Their way of doing things is the only way it can be done. As a result they cannot fulfill God’s role as an inter-generational teacher (Titus 2:1-5).

Age bias is a sad reality in the Church. However, all we can do is to strive to be better all the time. Quality will bring its own reward.

Church leaders are failing if they don’t tap into the incredible talent of their older members. They’ve stood the test of time so why not learn from their journeys?

Richard Mansel

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