Three thoughts to consider in the text of Matthew 5:5

Lilo and Stitch was a blockbuster hit in 2002, making over $270 million in the box office. The movie tells the story about a young girl who develops a friendship with a strange alien named Stitch. At first glance, Stitch is a character who is rough around the edges. He has a temper and a burning desire to blow everything up. However, throughout the movie Stitch develops a gentle attitude and becomes one who is caring and loving. I believe there is a lesson to be learned from the fluffy blue alien.

As an introductory foundation, Jesus starts His sermon by talking about the individuals that God approves of. Jesus starts each of these personas by stating, “blessed is the.” Another way of translating “blessed” is “God approved.” When Jesus taught on these beatitudes He was shaking the pillars of 1st Century philosophy. In the midst of the beatitudes Jesus states, “blessed are the meek.” In that time of history, meek meant weak. There was practically nothing good about the person who was gentle or submissive. Obviously there are some parallels even in today’s world. So why is it, that we ought to strive to be gentle/humble?

Three thoughts to consider in the text of Matthew 5:5:

  1. God approves of such behavior – This should certainly be one of the first motives. The ideology of the first century and the centuries to follow has always classified the meek as weak. The fact is gentleness does not promote weakness. If anything, it is the opposite. It takes great strength to put yourself last and care for the needs of the individuals around you.
  2. You might be the answer to someone’s prayer – In one scene of Lilo and Stitch, Lilo is found in her room praying for a friend. Often times, prayers consist of “Lord give me comfort” or “give me strength.” Is it too far fetched to believe that God could be providing such things through you? We as individuals have the ability to carry out the work of God if we are willing. Certainly Paul’s words ring true as he stated, “do your best to come to me soon” when he was facing severe danger in 2 Timothy 4:9.
  3. You have the opportunity to be a benefit, not a deficit – The world needs more gentle-minded individuals. Certainly was the case as Jesus taught this. When you read through His sermon, you’ll start to recognize Christ encouraging His listeners to become better people all around. Ain’t a soul out there who loves to be around someone who is harsh, degrading, and belittling. Being gentle is a great way to be a benefit in this world.

Though Stitch didn’t start out as a calm-natured, caring individual, it’s what he grew to be. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting from a rough position. What matters is the destination. At the end of the movie, Stitch found his family because he was able to put himself last. He understood that being part of a family was a better life than being self-reliant and egotistical. Be gentle and kind and you’ll benefit God, the people around you, and yourself.

Tyler King

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