Slipping Into Heaven

Have you ever talked with someone who seemed to believe he was saved by “grease” and not “grace?” In other words, if he ever makes it to Heaven, he pictures himself barely making it, just slipping in before the gates are closed behind him on his coat tail. Such a view misrepresents how God saves men. No one will ever “slip” into Heaven, and the reason is that we are saved by “grace” and not by “grease.”  Those who enter Heaven will be granted an “abundant entrance” (2 Peter 1:11), and won’t just slip through the gates as they close.

Instead of thinking of our entrance into Heaven being like a test on which we must score a certain percentage, think of it as a pass/fail test. We’ve either been saved by the blood of Christ or not. We’re either his or we aren’t. We’re either walking in the light or we’re walking in darkness. We’re either faithful or we’re unfaithful.

So what about you? Are you saved (Ephesians 1:7)? Are you in him (Ephesians 1:11)? Are you walking in the light (1 John 1:7)? If the answers to those questions are, “Yes,” you won’t barely “slip” into heaven, you’ll be granted an abundant entrance and will get to hear the Lord say, “Well done” (Matthew 25:21)!

by Steve Higginbotham

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