An adventure with God awaits!

Indestructible lives within our grasp

It probably sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless, Jesus revealed through his teachings and his actions that he wants to help us obtain indestructible lives.

On a hillside long ago as Jesus concluded his Sermon on the Mount, he explained why he had spent so much time discussing money, values, relationships, the role of God’s people in the world, and so much more.  Jesus said he wanted to help us build lives that would be impervious to the storms of life.

Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on rock. The rain fell, the flood arose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock” (Matthew 7:21,24-25).

Throughout this sermon Jesus contrasted two very different ways we can live our lives. One path involves living as a disciple who organizes his or her life around treasuring God and seeking his kingdom and righteousness above everything else. Yet the cost of such a lifestyle involves walking down a road that is much less traveled. However, it is a life that is “blessed,” even though it stands in stark contrast to what is commonly considered successful.

On that day all of his teachings culminated in a dramatic moment confronting us with a sharp choice. Accept his teachings and put them into practice or casually dismiss and forget them. For those willing to overcome fear in order to step out in faith to pursue the journey of being a disciple, Jesus promises: Your life will not collapse. This is quite a promise. But then, the Messiah, the Son of God, is capable of offering it.

Not only did Jesus teach how to live, he also lived that life himself. Furthermore, he even died to make eternal life possible for us. Jesus is serious about what he wants to do for our lives.

An adventure with God awaits!

Barry Newton

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