Slogans with a Spiritual Twist

Day after day Americans are exposed to very familiar brand slogans. Such slogans are professionally written to convey the brand’s spirit in the shortest way possible. In just a few words, advertisers want prospective buyers to grasp & remember the catch’y vibe of their brand. As these slogans ring daily in our mind’s ears, Christians would do well to make spiritual application of them to our lives of faith as we strive to become more spiritually minded children of God.

Below are some good examples of familiar American slogans:

Perhaps one of the most recognized slogans in advertising is Hallmark’s: “When You Care Enough to Send the Very Best”. Spiritually this reminds us of the very heart of the gospel as our loving Father cared enough to send the very best of heaven. Almost everyone is familiar with John 3:16, “the golden text of the Bible”, which says: For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. Not only did the Father send the very best of heaven in the awesome gift of His Son, but in the name of Jesus He also sent His very best in His Holy Spirit—our divine Helper (Jn. 14:26).

L’Oreal whispers“Because you’re worth it” which also reminds us of how highly our Lord God prizes us as He blesses us with every good & perfect gift (Jms. 1:17).

Coca Cola has advertised since the 1960’s that “Things go better with Coke”. The eternal truth is that “Things go better with Christ!” Because this is true, we can also say that things go better with prayer as we commune with God in the secret place (Mt. 6:6)!

Campbell soups ask “Have you had your soup today?” Jesus asks: “Have you had your ‘Quiet Time’ today?” Soup nourishes the body, but prayer & God’s word nourish the soul & the spirit of the inner man which will make the eternal difference.

Cracker Jack says “The More You Eat, the More You Want” which spiritually describes the word of God. The psalmist declared: Psa. 119:103: How sweet are Your words to my taste. Sweeter than honey to my mouth.

Nike says: “Just Do It” which boldly reminds Christians of faith that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13).

KFC says: “It’s finger lickin’ good”. This reminds Bible lovers of the words of the psalmist: Oh, taste & see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him! (Psa. 34:8).

McDonald’s says: “I’m loving it”. Christians proudly proclaim: “I’m loving Him who first loved me!” (1 Jn. 4:19)

Apple says: “Think Different”. Paul encourages Christians to “think different” than the world about us by renewing our minds (Rom. 12:2).

Dunkin’ Donuts says: “America runs on Dunkin’”. Christians know that the Kingdom of God continues to “run” when penitent souls are baptized (“dunked”) into the death of Jesus & are raised to walk in newness of life (Rom. 6:3-4).

The above slogans are some of the most echoed in our society today. They are all powerful slogans which have been carefully thought out & streamlined to say the most in the fewest words possible. We Christians should look beyond the slogans to the Lord as we challenge ourselves to make application of these slogans to the Christian life that we may think more spiritually & less worldly.

How about it Christians? What slogans can you add to the list above? How can you make spiritual application of them to the Bible & your spiritual walk with the Lord?

Ralph Weinhold

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