How Much Is It Worth?

Michael Hite is not only a good friend, co-worker, and an excellent teacher. He is also a dedicated student of the Bible. As such, this man of God has worn out his Bible. He wanted to get a new one that was the same edition as his old one. It is laid out just as he likes it. Plus, the pages are made of a unique paper that is thicker than most. For someone who likes to write in his Bible as Michael does, that is an essential feature. So, he went to a Facebook Group that caters to those who use the NASB translation. He posted pictures and asked if anyone could help him find another Bible of that exact edition. The responses were:

“You got a few hundred dollars to spend?”

“Expect to pay $500 plus for one in mint condition.”

“Yep, several hundred. Amazon has some for even a few thousand.”

As it turns out, Michael’s edition is an ’02 SCR called “The Judge.” It is printed in America and has Abba Calfskin. What makes it truly special is the paper the pages are made of which Michael likes so much. It is a French milled paper that is thin, but some of the whitest, most opaque paper ever used. That particular paper is now illegal to use because of environmental laws.

It was interesting to see the value that different individuals placed on this specific edition just because of its rarity. It made me think of the value you or I might put on our Bibles, especially in light of what scripture has to say about its own value. Look only at Psalm 119 and see God’s word:

  •     Is something to be treasured (v.11).
  •     Brings joy and delight (vv.14, 16, 24, 35, 47, 70, 77, 92, 111, 143, 162).
  •     Is wonderful (vv.18, 129).
  •     Brings salvation (v.41).
  •     Gives comfort (v. 50).
  •     Revives us (v.93).
  •     Makes us wise (v.98).
  •     Is sweeter than honey (v.103).
  •     Enlightens (vv.105, 130).
  •     Is an inheritance (v.111).
  •     Is like finding a treasure (v.162).
  •     Is more valuable than gold and silver (vv.72, 127).

Little did I know there were Bible Collectors out there who buy and sell copies of the different English translations and editions like commodities. However, they do so because they see how much each is worth. There is another group who should love, appreciate, and cherish the Bible for what it is truly worth: all those who follow Jesus. For they realize the Bible worth the most is the Bible that is studied and applied.

Corey Sawyers

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