Gender Ideology and Truth

    One of the most egregious efforts at ignoring Reality is the “gender ideology” debate. Homosexuality is one appalling effort to ignore reality. Women were not made to engage in sexual behavior with other women; nor were men made to do so with men. In Romans 1, the apostle Paul wrote that homosexuality is “unnatural” (1:26-27). But, you don’t need the Bible to understand the science behind that statement. Men have been ignoring that reality at least since the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.

    But now our society, in an effort to embrace every form of deviancy, has now decided to ignore XX and XY. We learned in 10th grade biology class, if not before, that the XX chromosomes create a female with all of her hormones and bodily features, including a certain view of the world. The XY chromosomes create the male, with all of his hormones and bodily features and his own, biologically influenced, view of the world.

    Gender dysphoria refers to those individuals who are confused about their XX chromosomes or XY chromosomes. This condition is apparently real but also extremely rare. Those who suffer from this psychological problem (it is not a physical issue) need love, patience, and counseling. But our society is turning it into an identity that should be embraced. And it is and will have horrible repercussions.

    We have politicians and even medical professionals who are denying reality, who are lying, because of their agenda. Children are undergoing transition treatment when they are no where near old enough to be making such drastic decisions. There is especially an appalling effort to hide the pain and confusion of young girls who need counseling and love, not chemicals and a scalpel.

    While Christians who believe in the Genesis account of creation and intelligent design have been blackballed by the scientific community for decades, those who believe that XX means you are a girl and XY means you are a boy are finding themselves blackballed. The “powers that be” are refusing to fund or promote research into the physical and psychological risks of gender transition therapy and surgeries and the risks involved. 

    We have got to be extra careful that we do not slip into the cesspool of ignoring Truth. You can refer to an XX or XY by her or his chosen name. To use inappropriate pronouns is to mangle the English language and make language mean nothing. It is also true that XX are women, whether they are “trans” or not and XY are men, whether they are “trans” or not. There is no denying reality. To do otherwise is to worship at the altar of Satan’s lies.

    Our society is in a heap of mess. There is no end to the ludicrous things that people will believe, if it fits their agenda. That’s why it is so important for God’s people to “buy the truth and do not sell it” (Prov. 23:23). That holds true for everything the Bible teaches. God’s word is Truth (John 17:17).

Paul Holland

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