I read recently about a lady who had just moved from an apartment to a house in the same small town. One day at the grocery store, she used the last of her personalized checks bearing her old address. The cashier examined the check and asked if all the information on it was correct. The shopper assured her that it was correct, and the cashier started to put the check in the cash drawer. But then she inquired again if everything was accurate.

“Why do you ask?” the shopper responded.

“Because,” she replied, “my husband and I moved to this apartment yesterday, and I don’t remember seeing you at breakfast.”

Busted! This woman could have gone to any other store in the town and told them that was still her address and no one would have suspected a thing. But there was no way to fool this cashier because she lived there herself.

It’s much the same way with our spiritual lives. It’s easy to fool a lot of folks. “How’s your prayer life?” Couldn’t be better! “How’s your walk in Christ?” It’s fine. No problems at all!

But I wonder if there are times when we’ve moved away from God without telling anyone. They don’t know we’ve moved. For all they know, everything’s fine. But we can’t fool God. “Things are great? That’s funny, because I don’t remember seeing you at breakfast.”

One of the most well-known of all scriptures is Psalm 23. You’ve heard it recited hundreds of times, as have I. But I wonder if all these years I’ve misunderstood the very last phrase. You see, I’ve always understood David to take assurance in the knowledge that there is an eternal home waiting for him. But could it be instead that David was making a promise of his commitment to stay close to God?

“I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.” (Psalm 23:6b)

Others may think we still dwell there. But has God seen us around lately? May God strengthen us in our resolve to dwell with Him all the days of our lives, so that we may dwell with Him for all eternity.

Have a great day!

Alan Smith

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