Are you ashamed of moments from your past? 

The Second Time
by Steve Higginbotham

In my opinion, there are but a few words recorded in the Bible that are as encouraging than the words recorded in Jonah 3:1. The text says, “Now the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time.”

As you surely know, Jonah, the prophet, attempted to run from God and his responsibility as one of God’s spokesmen. His desertion was not a matter of fear for his own safety but was a matter of his corrupt heart. He knew that if he obeyed God, Nineveh would repent, God would forgive them, the people would not be destroyed, and that was not the outcome Jonah desired (Jonah 4:2).

Whoever heard of a preacher wanting his hearers to be destroyed? What kind of corrupt heart or skewed perspective must Jonah have had? There’s no way around it, Jonah failed miserably.

But then we read those words of hope…”The word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time.” Although Jonah utterly failed God and the people of Nineveh, God was not through with Jonah. He gave Jonah a second chance, and he does the same for you, still today.

Are you ashamed of moments from your past?  Who isn’t? But the final chapter of your life hasn’t been written yet. Instead of living with regret over your past mistakes, repent, and thank God for being a God of second chances.

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