How Valuable Are You?

We put a “value” on just about everything. Every time we go to a store, we check to see how much the particular item is worth. An item’s value depends on what it is made from, who made it, how rare it is, what it can do, and several other characteristics. Sometimes it is too easy to look at ourselves and think we are not valuable or important. We can convince ourselves that we are broke, unuseful, or that we just get in the way. This is simply not true!

God gives us several reminders in scripture about our value. He tells He gives special interest in sparrows which are sold for a cent, and yet we are exceedingly more valuable than a sparrow, so He naturally shows much more interest in us (Matthew 10:29-31). He tells us that He takes care of all the birds of the air even though they do not work at all, and yet we are incredibly more valuable (Matthew 6:26). He tells us that lilies of the field grow and our clothed beautifully, yet God considers us much more valuable than them and will take care of our needs (Matthew 6:28-30).

Look at some of your characteristics: (1)You were made in the image of God. (2)There is no other creature and one else quite like you. (3)God Himself, the supreme ruler of all, specifically made you. (4)He even gave you special talents and thinking abilities which no other creature on earth can compare to. (5)Beyond all of this, God gave you something so unique and so valuable that it cannot be found in any other animal; He gave you a soul.  He did this because He wants us to be with Him for all eternity. We are so valuable that He even gave up His own Son to ensure we could be with Him (Acts 2:28). He even “bought” us because of the value He saw in us (1 Cor. 6:20; 7:23; 1 Peter 1:17-19; 2 Peter 2:1; Acts 20:28).

No matter what deficiencies we may think we have or ways we may feel insignificant, there is still no adequate way to describe how valuable we really are. God does not want us to dwell on the negative, but to remember He finds us valuable and has a use for us. Let’s look for ways to use our value and not be down on ourselves. Besides, without God, each and every one of us is more worthless than a deck of 37 cards, a cell-phone without a battery, an airplane without wings, or a house without a foundation. God saw value in us, and it is because of Him that we are valuable in the first place. Let’s not be discouraged with ourselves, but let’s use what we have to glorify God. So, how valuable are you? You are more valuable than anything else God has created in this entire universe! So next time you are feeling down, just keep in mind, You Are Valuable!

Brett Petrillo