Some Suggestions for Your Daily Routine

We all have some things that we do with great regularity. Certain activities are a part of everyday – things like bathing, dressing, brushing teeth, etc. Each person will have other unique practices that are incorporated into their normal routine. And, while it is possible to “get in a rut”, some of this regularity is important and helpful in making us more efficient individuals. With that idea in mind, we’d like to suggest some things that ought to become a regular part of every Christian’s daily routine. Every day we should.

• Pray. Pray daily for your fellow Christians, especially remembering the sick, the bereaved, those who are spiritually weak, those laboring under heavy burdens, and others who have special needs. Don’t let these prayers be totally “general” in nature. Think of specific individuals and mention them by name in your prayers.

• Give Thanks. In the course of your prayers, do not neglect to thank the Heavenly Father for all the wonderful blessings that He gives us. Again, be specific. Taking the time to “count your blessings” every day will help you to gain a greater appreciation for what God has done for you. Especially spend time contemplating the great spiritual blessings we have in Christ.

• Study. Find some time each day to spend in the study of God’s Word. Get up a few minutes earlier each day, break away in the middle of the day, make time in the evening – but by all means study the Word. This will help you to resist temptation (Matthew 4:1-11) and prepare you to explain your faith to others (1 Peter 3:15).

• Serve. The Christian’s life is to be a life of service (Mark 10:43,44). Instead of waiting for others to do things for you, look for some opportunity every day to do some deed of kindness for another individual. Your life will be happier if you concentrate less on self and more on others.

– by Greg Gwin