The Compassion of a Father Psalm 128

    Sin will be punished. It must be punished. The nature of God requires for sin to be punished. We will either experience that punishment ourselves, which will be an eternal torture in hell, or we can allow Jesus to experience that punishment for us on the cross. Jesus stood in our place and offered Himself to be punished in our place.

    The compassion of the Father allowed that substitution to take place. We are going to study a psalm today, a psalm which pictures God as Father: Psalm 128.

THE BLESSING – 128:1, 4:

    The word “blessed” means “being a recipient of divine favor.”

    You and I are blessed in every way in which we are “recipients of divine favor.” In this verse, the psalmist writes that we are recipients of divine favor if – “who” – we “fear” the Lord. This “fear” is the attitude of the heart. It is a deep respect for Jehovah God for Who He is and for what He has done for us. “Fear” refers to the attitude of our heart which changes how we live.

    We are also “recipients of divine favor” if, based on our fear of Jehovah God, we “walk in His ways.” That’s the obedience part. This refers to our behavior. It takes more than loving God to be pleasing to God. It takes more than sincerity to be pleasing to God. It takes obedience. It requires us to walk in His ways.

HAPPINESS – 128:2:

    We eat the fruit of our hands when we enjoy the results of our work. This is an agricultural society so they literally enjoyed eating the fruit and vegetables that they themselves had planted. But in a broader sense, the fruit of our hands refers to the enjoyment we get when we receive the benefits of our labor.

    When we do that, we enjoy some relaxing time away from work, away from the stresses of work or the hustle and bustle of life and we are happy. Time off is refreshing and provides renewal. It is well with us when we get away, whether it is for a day, a weekend, or a whole week.

CHILDREN – 128:3:

    In this verse, the psalmist turns his attention to children in the home. Your wife is fruitful like a vine, probably a grape vine, and bears children. Children are like olive plants around the table. I’ve told you one of my most enjoyable experiences is having the family around the table, playing games or just talking. Whatever we’re doing, laughing is usually a part of it.

    Children are a blessing from God. You are a recipient of divine favor if you have children. One child or five. They are a blessing.


    If we as individuals will fear God and walk in His ways, He will bless us as individuals but the blessing will have a broader impact on our larger community. “Zion” is a term for the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the nation of Israel. The Lord would bless from Zion, from the center of His people, probably referring more specifically to the temple that was in Jerusalem.

    There is an ancient proverb that says:

If there is righteousness within the individual, there will be happiness within the home.
If there is happiness within the home, there will be harmony within the nation.
If there is harmony within the nation, there will be peace in the world!

LONGEVITY – 128:6:

    Seeing your grandchildren is a great blessing; seeing your great-grandchildren is an even greater blessing! The patriarch Job was able to see his great-grandchildren, the fourth generation (42:16).

    The compassionate Father desires to show His favor on us. We need to fear Him and walk in His ways.

Paul Holland