People are making decisions about God that are not based on good informatio

…the knowledge of the truth which is according to godliness” (Titus 1:1)

I was a juror in a trial involving a man whose dog had attacked a bicyclist, injuring her enough that it required hospitalization.  He denied that it was his dog, and there wasn’t enough evidence to prove that it was his dog.  We let the guy go.  After the trial was over, the judge came in to thank us.  She also told us that this was the fourth time that man’s dog had attacked someone.  I was pretty upset!  That was the kind of information that we needed, but according to law, it was ‘inadmissible in court.’  We had made a decision that was based upon the information we had, but it wasn’t good enough or thorough enough.

Today people are making decisions about God that are not based on good information.  Their view of God is based upon their own feelings (terrible source), their family and friends (not a good source), or even their religious leaders (not always a reliable source).

If there is one area that we must absolutely, positively, without-a-doubt have good information, it is about God.  Our eternal life is dependent upon our knowing God.  Notice: God will “deal out retribution to those who do not know God” (2 Thessalonians 1:8; See also John 17:3).

When Paul wrote the letter to Titus, he described the work Titus had to do on the island of Crete, and it was wrapped around the idea of giving them “the knowledge of the truth.”  Without that knowledge, there is no way to be godly, and without godliness there is no hope of eternal life (Titus 1:2).  It was crucial that they receive good information, because there were lots of lies being spread (Titus 1:12).  Sounds like today, doesn’t it?

Bible study isn’t just a nice thing that Christians do.  It is an essential, life-saving activity.  The Bible is from God; therefore, it will never give us bad information or incomplete information.  What we believe and practice is based upon the Bible.  What we know about God is based upon His revelation of Himself in the Bible.

Point to Ponder

  • What grade would you give yourself when it comes to Bible study?  An A? B? Or maybe even worse?
  • As children of God, should we not devote ourselves to the study of His word?

Denny Petrillo