Who Is God Comfortable With?

An interesting thought concerning the very character of God is made in Psalm 113: 5, 6.

“Who is like the Lord our God,

Who is enthroned on high,

Who humbles Himself to behold

The things that are in heaven and in the earth?

There are many people in the world, and perhaps within the church, who view the God of the Old Testament as One who is vindictive and mean-spirited.  The folks who hold to this view have not studied the Scriptures to see that “their” loving God of the New Testament, as embodied in Jesus, is the very same, unchangeable God of old. Perhaps the problem lies in our visual representation of God the Father and God the Son. If our visual representation is flawed then it is most likely that our overall view will be flawed as well.

The psalmist, in Psalm 113: 5, 6, reveals to the reader the fact that God does indeed lower Himself in His concern for those who dwell upon this earth.  One might even say that God is most comfortable with those who are His as evidenced by Isaiah’s notation of 57: 15

“For thus says the high and exalted One

Who lives forever, whose name is Holy,

I dwell on a high and holy place,

And also with the contrite and lowly of spirit

In order to revive the spirit of the lowly

And to revive the heart of the contrite.”

If we now understand that God dwells with the “lowly and contrite of spirit,” right here and now, then the next question is obvious. Have we placed ourselves in a position where God wants to be with us? Another question might be basic to the discussion and that is, “Do we really want God to be with us?”

Dave Chamberlin