SEVEN SORROWS OF THE CROSS – The Emotions Jesus Experienced In Connection With the Crucifixion

Have you ever been engaged in some other activity when a sermon thought struck you, and you had to grab a napkin or used envelope and frantically scribble it down while it was still fresh on your mind?

I was sitting in a worship assembly joining with my brethren in singing praises to God, when some phrase in the hymn suggested a sermon idea.  In fact, it suggested a whole, seven-part sermon series!

  1. DREAD: His whole ministry was overshadowed by the Cross – Jesus lived every day in anticipation of the agony at the end of the road (Matt 16:21, Mark 10:45, etc.). Thought Exercise: If you could choose to know the future, would you want to know the day of your death? What if a horrible end awaited you? How would that foreknowledge change your life in the present?
  2. FORBODING: Jesus was not only focused on his own future suffering, but he also carried the weight of knowing the impending doom of his own people, of the terrible judgement that would soon fall on Israel because of their unbelief. Even as he staggered to the Cross, this was on his mind (Luke 19:44, 23:27-31, etc.).
  3. ABANDONMENT: In his time of need, Jesus’ closest friends let him down (Matt 26:36-46). Judas betrayed him – Simon denied him – they scattered into the darkness like frightened rabbits (Mark 14:50-52).
  4. PHYSICAL SUFFERING: The pain of a crucifixion was “excruciating” – a word derived from the Latin crux, which means “a cross.”

  1. HUMILIATION: Jesus died a shameful death (Hebrews 12:2, Galatians 3:13) in front of mother (John 19:26), which caused her to experience a parent’s worst nightmare (see Luke 2:34-35).
  2. SEPARATION: One of the heartbreaking aspects of the crucifixion is the anguished cry of Jesus – “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mark 15:34/Psalm 22:1), as “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
  3. DEATH (Hebrews 2:9,14-18).

Series Conclusion: “The joy set before him, endured the cross” (Hebrews 12:2-3).

Dan Williams