5 Reasons to Study the OT

Why bother with the Old Testament if we are considered New Testament Christians? Here’s five reasons:

  1. Jesus was a Jew — we’ll start with the obvious one. Matthew chapter 1 is more than a genealogy; it’s a story of God’s articulate providence in preserving a heritage. Reading the Old Testament gives us an invaluable background on the Son of God. We can better understand Jesus’ background and life when we read those 39 OT books.
  2. It’s Fascinating — Tell me of another place you can read history lessons of the earth opening up, swallowing an entire assembly of people, and closing back up (Num. 16). Or the day when the sun stood still (Jos. 10). Or when a hand appeared out of thin air and proceeded to write on a wall (Dan. 5)? I can’t tell you how many times I sat down to read the writings of the OT and hours passed as if they were minutes.
  3. It’s a shadow of the heavenly things — The Hebrew writer tells us the things of this earth are a shadow of that which is in heaven (Heb. 8:5). There is a REAL temple in Heaven, along with a REAL Eden, a REAL mercy seat, and a REAL tree of life. We learn of all these principles in the OT. One day our faith, being built up by our studies, will become sight when we arrive to the eternal life. The OT helps us see a preview of what is to come.
  4. It’s a guide — Paul states that the law was a guardian in Gal. 3:24. This can also be translated as “teacher,” “tutor,” or “instructor.” It was used to teach people about God and Faith until Jesus came. While there is a new system of salvation, the OT still preserves many lessons and teachings that we would benefit from.

It’s an avenue of conviction — Few pieces of literature can convict an individual like that of the OT. We learn God has feelings and agonizes over our sin (Gen. 6:6). We realize that we can easily push God aside due to an abundance of blessing (Ezek. 16). We sympathize with those who feel broken (Lam. 3). We understand the suffering of Jesus was known and prophesied (Is. 53). We learn of our role in putting Jesus on the cross (Acts 2). We internalize the value that God puts on us (Ex. 19:4-6).

Tyler King