The 220 Mile Commute

For many, anything over 30 miles is considered a long commute. For Virginia family man, Thurmond Alford, 30 miles is a breeze in contrast to his 220 mile commute. When offered his dream job in Washington D.C., Thurmond was elated with the news but dreaded one fact of reality. All of his family members live nearly 107 miles away in Richmond VA and he wasn’t ready to leave them. Upon accepting the job, his daily routine was about to change drastically. Starting at 4a.m., Alford drives to a parking lot near Fredericksburg, VA. From there, he carpools to a train station near Arlington. He then boards two separate trains in order to arrive in downtown Washington D.C. at 7:30a.m. He embarks on this tumultuous commute Monday thru Thursday.

To some, this commute is absolutely nonsensical. Consider the amount of times he spends in the car on a daily basis. What about how often he needs his oil changed, tires replaced, or the exhaustive implications from such a commute. Yet, in Alford’s own words, “the family is worth it.” He wasn’t willing to compromise his family for the opportunity of a life time. At the end of the day, it’s the loved ones he goes home to that make the journey worth it.

Our journey home can be a long one, but it is one that is worth it. The Hebrew writer reflects back on those who were wandering in the wilderness, in Hebrews 11 –

For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have had opportunity to return. 

 But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city. 

I don’t know what all is involved in your commute of life. It could be worse than mine and it might even be better than mine. It could be shorter or longer. However, one fact remains; the family who is home will be worth it. To be in the presence of the Father, His Son, and His Spirit eternally is a blessing too large to comprehend. Yet, we’ll also have the rest of our Family there as well. When going through the dread of life, remember, “the family is worth it.”

Tyler King