Seek Jesus, Not Signs

Reading through the gospels, one cannot help but notice the variety of experiences and responses people had to Jesus’ ministry. Perhaps the two most notable responses are genuine belief versus sign seekers. In John 4 we see a great contrast of the two mentalities.

Jesus’ interaction with the woman at the well in Samaria (of all places) resulted in the first largescale, genuine response to His Messianic identity. He did not have to qualify His message or use grand, miraculous works. They saw, they processed, and they believed. However, a few days later He found quite a different response in Galilee. There, the people had heard of His great works done in Judea and they remembered the water-to-wine miracle done in Cana. When an opportunity arose for Jesus to heal an official’s son of a deadly illness, the man and crowd were met with a rather sharp rebuke. “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe” (John 4:48). 

The frustration expressed by Jesus seems to be rooted in the fact that those who should have been keenest to accept HIM, were more interested in being impressed by wonders. They were thrill seekers, not Messiah seekers. Their loyalty was only going to hold out as long as Jesus was willing to keep them astounded. In so doing, they completely missed the point of the signs…to substantiate the fact that true spiritual healing is available through Jesus, alone.

Indeed, there are many today whose loyalty is just as shallow. If things are going well, if they are being impressed by the preacher, if they are getting what they “need” (perhaps better said, “want”), they will hang around. Yet, as soon as the thrill is gone, so are they. They do not really want Jesus, just His signs.

May our faith go deeper than that! May we be people who are seeking the Messiah for who He is. May the satisfaction we crave be more than just superficial thrills. May we truly seek Jesus…not signs.

Cory Waddell