Making the Most of Life: Vision Matthew 10:5-15

From 1923 to 1985, Robert Woodruff was president of Coca-Cola. He wanted Coke to be available to every American serviceman around the world for five cents, no matter what it cost the company. That was a bold vision! But it was nothing compared to the bigger picture he could see in his mind’s eye. In his lifetime, he wanted every person in the world to have tasted Coca-Cola. When you look deep into your heart, and soul for a vision for God’s glory, what do you see?

Jesus was the most visionary man the world has ever known. His vision embraced the whole world for the sake of the world. He said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…” (Mark 16:15). That is vision! The kind that will provide a new world! How are we going to carry that vision into your community in 2024?

The Bible says, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people…” (Gal. 6:10). But it takes vision to see the opportunities. We actually “create luck” when we see opportunity.

With Jesus, the vision started within. He had come to earth to teach men how to honor God. He began teaching and people started following Him, so then He called a dozen of those men and gave them powers and sent them out with His vision. Let’s look at Matthew 10…

  1. Focus – Notice verses 5-7.
  2. Be equipped – Verse 8.
  3. Trust – Verses 9-10.
  4. Don’t waste time on infertile soil – verses 11-15.
  5. Understand the challenges – verses 16-20.

2024 can be a great year for the church, if we have all our members putting their vision into focus and then acting on that vision.

What is your vision for your contribution to the health and growth of your congregation? Let’s put it into reality.

Paul Holland