Alabaster Humiliation

Matthew 26:7-8: “A woman came to Him (Jesus) with an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and she poured it on His head as He sat at the table.  When the disciples saw this, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste?”

She gathered her courage and came to Jesus, broken hearted and craving spiritual healing. She was aware of the pressures the powerful religious leaders placed on Jesus and her heart ached for Him. So she lovingly chose her most precious possession: an alabaster jar filled with fragrant oil. It was an unconventional gift, but her heart called her to offer it to her Lord.

Taking a deep breath, she entered Simon’s house and approached the table where Jesus reclined with his followers. She began to anoint Jesus with her oil, but quickly became aware the expressions on the disciples’ faces had changed.

“What have I done?” she wondered as the disciples pointed at her and whispered criticisms of wastefulness. Her gift was too extravagant, they said.

Perhaps they are right. Should she have sold it and given the money to the poor? That thought never crossed her mind. Her only desire was to honor Jesus.

The intensity of their words increased as more disciples joined the conversation. Their chatter took a harsher turn, calling her a sinner. She knelt there beside Jesus as tears began to stream her face. She felt humiliated as the men fired one complaint after another, as if she didn’t exist in the room.

“Don’t they know I can hear them?” she thought.

The harsher their criticism, the more she became convinced they were right. She was unworthy. Maybe she shouldn’t be here. She felt so ashamed and her heart broke. If only she hadn’t come!

Through her tears, she looked up from the alabaster jar and into the Savior’s face. What would He say?  “Will He humiliate me, too?” she wondered. She couldn’t bear it if He did. She held her breath and waited, eyes fixed on Him. Finally, the Savior spoke, but not to her. His words were directed to his disciples.

“Why do you trouble this woman? For she has done a good work for me.”

Had she heard Him correctly? Did He approve of her gift? Relief flooded her veins as her precious Jesus defended her.

She reached up to dry her tears with the grateful realization that the Savior had looked beneath the surface of her actions to see the intentions of her heart – a generous and loving heart longing to honor Him.

Thank you, Father, for seeing the intentions of our hearts. Give us the heart of this woman who served generously and lovingly. Help us seek your will, regardless of criticisms. And, may we ever be mindful of the pain and discouragement our words can inflict upon others. 

Rita Cochrane



Some words are spoken out of anger and jealousy. Some words are spoken out of love and concern.  Contemplate the affect that our words have on others as you read the following verses.

Matthew 12:33-37

Ephesians 4:29

Proverbs 12:17-22