Stop Already!


I once heard about a man who had a problem with mice, so he set out a mousetrap and baited it with cheese. In the morning, he discovered the mousetrap had sprung on a mouse, but that trap did not kill the mouse. What surprised the man was that when he discovered the sprung trap, this mouse was struggling, not to escape, but to reach the cheese! This mouse narrowly escaped death, but instead of pulling itself free, it continued in the pursuit of what almost killed it.

I would like to think that people are a lot smarter than mice, wouldn’t you? Yet, have we ever pursued a path that leads to our destruction?  Then, by God’s providence, we are the beneficiaries of a “wake-up call,” a “near miss,” or a “second chance.” But instead of stopping our pursuit of what will destroy us, we dust ourselves off and continue on our pursuit of destruction.

Friends, if we have been the beneficiaries of God’s kindness, surviving a “near miss,” and being given a “second chance,” let’s prove we’re smarter than a mouse and stop pursuing what will destroy us!

by Steve Higginbotham