Getting More Out of the Sermon

Experts tell us that we speak at a rate of 125 words per minute.  But we can listen to 400 words per minute.  It’s no wonder the attention often wanders.  That means we need to discipline the mind to listen to a lesson without distraction. Here are some suggestions to help you get more out of the sermon.

  1. OPEN  MIND. We need to be in the right frame of mind to listen. Our worship is to be “in spirit and truth” (John 4:24). We should approach a sermon with the attitude that we want to learn and profit from it.  Attitude makes a big difference.
  2. OPEN BIBLE. Compare what you hear with God’s word (Acts 17:11). You need to form personal convictions based on what you read in the Bible. It will stick in your mind longer when you read it for yourself.
  3. TAKE NOTES. This will be another “visual aid” to help you remember. You can recall more of what you see than what you just hear. Plus, you will have the notes to use for further study.

You CAN get more out of the sermon.  But only if you try.

                                                                                              – by Roger Hillis