It is easy for people to think time is an inexhaustible resource. The years before us seem as if time will never end. Then, in old age, those years disappear.
Husbands don’t have enough time for wives. Fathers don’t have enough time for children. Employees believe there is enough time to complete a project until they discover the deadline is upon them. Writers often have the same problem. There is just not enough sand in the hourglass.
Eventually, we will come to a moment in life when the days behind us are more than the ones in front of us. We wonder how something like that could happen.
My children were born in the 1970s. My wife and I thought we’d have a long, happy time watching them grow. Now they are all grown and have children of their own. Our oldest grandson is nearing college graduation. Where did the years go?
We should think of the coming eternity than how much time we have left in this old world. In Ecclesiastes chapter nine, Solomon wrote,
“Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might, because there is neither work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave, the place where you will eventually go,” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).
Instead of our preoccupation with the time we have left, we need to think of how we can help ourselves and others by preparing to use the remaining time we have to the glory of God.
Eternity is stretching itself out before us. Are we ready for it? We must prepare for eternity by obeying the gospel and spend the remaining time given us by serving God.