After making a whopping $50 million donation to a gun control initiative, and because of his work against obesity and smoking, former New York City Mayor, Michael Bloomberg was quoted as saying:
“I am telling you, if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in…I have earned my place in heaven. It’s not even close.”
How does that sound to you? Presumptuous? Arrogant? The very idea that Mr. Bloomberg could think he could “buy” his way into heaven must be offensive to God. How less offensive is it when we believe and act like we can earn our way into heaven by…
- Going to church three times a week.
- Reading our Bibles daily.
- Giving generously each first day of the week.
- Helping the poor.
- Being a good father/mother/husband/wife/son/daughter.
The above list could go on and on. Do we, along with Mr. Bloomberg need to be reminded that after all we could possibly do, we are still unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10)? Do we also need to be reminded that our righteousness, the best we can offer, is as filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6)?
You see, Heaven isn’t a matter of attainment; it’s a matter of atonement. If we’re in Heaven some day, it won’t be because we earned it. It won’t be because we wowed God with our own morality and righteousness. And it won’t be because God’s indebted to us. On the contrary, it will be because we’re indebted to him!
Steve Higginbotham