“Wasn’t Cyrus a handsome man!” With a look of deep love for her husband, she said to him, “I didn’t notice. I could only keep my eyes on you–the one who was willing to give himself for me”

What Will You Give Up?

It is said that Cyrus, the founder of the Persian Empire, once had captured a prince and his family. When they came before him, the monarch asked the prisoner, “What will you give me if I release you?” “The half of my wealth,” was his reply. “And if I release your children?” “Everything I possess.” “And if I release your wife?” “Your Majesty, I will give myself.” Cyrus was so moved by his devotion that he freed them all. As they returned home, the prince said to his wife, “Wasn’t Cyrus a handsome man!” With a look of deep love for her husband, she said to him, “I didn’t notice. I could only keep my eyes on you–the one who was willing to give himself for me” (Fox’s Book of Martyrs).

What a moving story! But as moving as that story is, it doesn’t compare to the stories of the valiant soldiers in the Lord’s army who did give their lives in martyrdom for the Faith.

Stephen was killed for taking a stand and for doing what was right. He preached with boldness, and it cost him his life. He was stoned to death (Acts 6,7).

Andrew was a people person, humble, soul-winner, and an unsung Bible hero. He was a likable guy. But, not everyone felt that way. Historians tell us that he was killed between two crosses because he preached the Faith he obeyed. We’re told that, as he was stretched between the crosses, he preached for two more days until the strain of being tied between the posts was more than he could bear.

Peter, though he started as a Simon, later became one of the best of the Lord’s men. He was a confidant of the Lord (Mt. 26:37). It was Peter who preached the door opening sermon into the kingdom of God–the church (Acts 2). It was this boldness that cost him his life. Again, historians tell us that Peter was severely scourged and then crucified head down–at his request by the way.

Of course, we could go on and on. Question: What have you given up for the Lord? These men gave of themselves in life and death because they loved Jesus.

Will you forgo your favorite sitcom to read your Bible to learn more about God and His will for your life?

Will you skip a night out on the town once a month to support a mission work?

Will you tell the coach, sorry I can’t be at the game tonight, we have Bible study?

Will you tell the kids, tonight, instead of staying up late playing video games, we’re having “Bible time?”

Will you tell your spouse, rather than going to the show, let’s invite a neighbor over to tell him about Jesus?

What will you give up to show your love for Jesus?
I hope you have a wonderful day!

–Neil Richey

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