“The Christian Science Monitor” carried a story on June 29, 2010 that shows us moving further into the future. The Terrafugia is a hybrid car / airplane in which you can drive down to the office or take off into the wild blue yonder. On the highway it will get 30 miles to the gallon; in the air you can travel about 450 miles on the 20 gallons of fuel. Recently approved by the FAA, you can now place your order for one of these must-haves for just under $200,000.
Lest you think I’m fantasizing, look for yourself by entering “Terrafugia” in your Internet search engine. The company also maintains a web site at Terrafugia.com. Since it is classified as a Light Sport Aircraft, you only need 20 hours of flying instruction to be certified. And just in case you’re nervous about safety, relax; the Terrafugia will come equipped with air bags.
I had already made the connection with the old cartoon series, “The Jetsons”, before I found other web sites that did the same. You may remember the animated TV series that debuted in 1962. The Jetsons were as much into the future (set in the year 2060) as the Flintstones were into the past. We laughed at the sight of George taking off to work in his flying vehicle and of Jane speaking with friends over a video phone.
The laughing has now died down as we have seen some of these gadget appear around us. Video-conferencing has been a part of the business world for a few years now, and Skype has enabled us to see our grandchildren as we speak to them. Rosie was the robot who took care of the Jetsons’ cleaning and cooking; the Roomba has been robotically sweeping floors since 2002, though no voice or personality has yet been added. Other robot assistants are not far away, we’re told.
What once was considered outlandish is now reality. We can’t help but wonder – Is anything beyond man’s abilities?
One thing will forever elude people who rely only on themselves: the wisdom we need to live properly. Jeremiah stated this truth long ago: “O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jeremiah 10:23). Ironic, isn’t it, that man knows how to walk but he doesn’t know where to walk. The prophet’s point was that we need God to guide us.
Will God provide this needed service? Hear His answer: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye” (Psalm 32:8). As the psalm continues, however, God warns against refusing His direction. Stubbornness and pride will lead to our undoing.
As people grow more intelligent in technology and science, they’re tempted to put total trust in themselves. “Why do we need ‘God’? That’s so yesterday!” many will exclaim. Like the people who tried to make a name for themselves in building the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11), we turn away from God. We forget the real key to successful living: “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up” (James 4:8).
What lies ahead in the future? None of us can imagine what the future holds. But we can all know with absolute certainty Who holds the future. Let’s keep our focus on Him as we move ahead.
–Tim Hall
Terrafugia survey: A survey on Terrafugias
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