Why Jesus?

Why Jesus? Why must we believe in Jesus? Why must we accept Jesus? Why must we follow Jesus? Why obey Jesus? Why wear the name of Christ? Why belong to His church? In the first chapter of Ephesians, we see the answers to those questions. “When we consider the repetition of the ‘in phrases’ (in Christ, in Him), Paul makes it abundantly clear where one must go to receive spiritual blessings” (Denny Petrillo, Ephesians notes, In Him!). Note all that Ephesians 1:3-14 shows us we have available in Christ.

  1. IN HIM WE RECEIVE EVERY SPIRITUAL BLESSING (v.3). What spiritual blessings would you like to receive? God’s love? His forgiveness? His mercy and kindness? Only in Christ can they be had.
  1. IN HIM WE ARE CHOSEN (v.4). This should prove they are special. This should prove they have God’s confidence. This should prove they have a future reward. This shows God has expectations of those chosen. They are to be holy – separated from the world. They are to be blameless – forgiven and with no sin “on account.”
  1. IN HIM WE FIND GRACE (v.6). It is only by this grace that we can be accepted, forgiven, and saved!
  1. IN HIM WE HAVE REDEMPTION (v.7). We have our sins washed away and God has bought us back with the precious price of the blood of Jesus!
  1. IN HIM WE FIND GOD’S KINDNESS (v.9). His “good pleasure” (NKJV) was shown in the plan – a plan He had in place from before the first sin was committed!
  1. IN HIM GOD’S PLAN IS SUMMED UP (v.10). That plan was in a word, Jesus! Jesus was the central cog of the “Good News” God has had in store for us.
  1. IN HIM WE HAVE AN INHERITANCE (v.10). Regardless of whose son we might have been, regardless of our bloodline, as part of God’s family we have a home waiting!
  1. IN HIM WE HAVE HOPE (v.12). Sin gave us none, but God, in Christ, gave us hope! That hope is not merely a wish. It is an earnest expectation to receive the inheritance prepared!
  1. IN HIM WE ARE SEALED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (v.13). We are sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise. What promise? The promise of Galatians 3:14 – that is the promise of Abraham that comes to even the Gentiles.

Only in Jesus do we have these great blessings! So, if we want these blessings, we must also be “in Him.” That is why we must be baptized into Christ (Gal. 3:27) and walk in the light as He is the light! Won’t you accept God’s blessings He offers to you in Him?

Corey Sawyers

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