People keep saying it, but it just is not accurate. It is expressed in a variety of ways. “The church isn’t meeting right now.” “We aren’t having worship services.” “We aren’t assembling right now, but we hope to get to again soon.” The idea being expressed is that the quarantines and stay-at-home orders have suddenly brought a halt to the church’s assembling for worship. Nothing could be further from the truth.

There is nothing wrong with a building and we have examples of the First Century Church meeting at buildings outside of their home. Nevertheless, you will also note that they quite often worshiped in other places. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas were headed to “the place of prayer” (16). Where they were heading was Lydia’s house (15). In someone’s home, worship was planned to take place.

As you keep reading, you see that Paul and Silas were eventually arrested, beaten, and put into jail. There, “quarantine” might not be the right term, but they were undoubtedly put under a “shelter in place” order and not allowed to leave. Note what they did under these far worse circumstances than ours. They worshiped. They were praying and singing hymns to God (25). The result was that those around them heard, and at least one man and his family came to Jesus (27-34).

Think about the possible results of families choosing to worship at home on their own. Husbands, fathers, and sons will have to prepare a lesson, lead in prayers, in communion, and in singing – many of them for the first time, perhaps. How much personal growth will come from that? In homes where there are no men, ladies will prepare lessons. Families will not be sitting across a gymnasium-sized room from each other. Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder on the couch, children will hear their mother sing hymns, their daddy word prayers, and see their brothers pass the emblems. Think about how special those intimate worship services shared among only a few will bring them together. Think of the influence on our neighbors when they see and hear of our doing such.

Please do not misunderstand me. I miss getting to go and see those I love as I choose. I miss getting to see all my brothers and sisters in Christ on a routine basis at the building. Yet, this time in which we should be staying at home is also a blessing in so many ways. It is only so if we choose to use it as such. I love getting to worship the Lord in the quietness of our home surrounded by the family with which He has blessed me. Make no mistake about it. The church is meeting, assembling, and worshiping. We are just doing it temporarily as so many others have in the last 2000 years: daily from house to house.

Today of all days, we remember that the Lord is not dead. Neither is His church. The world, Satan, nor Covid-19, can not stop her from assembling in small groups and homes to worship our God!

Point To Ponder: Read back through Acts 16. Make a list of all the reasons for which Paul and Silas had to worship God in their situation this chapter details.

Point Of Action: Now, make a list (individually or as a family) of all the reasons you have to praise God on this Lord’s Day, no matter where you might be.

Corey Sawyers

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