The Church is not the Building

All my life, I have heard the oft-repeated message, “the church is not the building, it’s the people.” Another way I have heard it expressed is, “You can’t ‘go to church” because you are the church.”

Well, now’s the time to prove it! Our meeting houses have been empty for a month now, but the church is as busy as it ever has been!

  • While our church buildings have been as quiet as a tomb for the past month, the church has raised her voice and proclaimed the gospel of Jesus broader than ever before.
  • While the doors to our church buildings are locked and none are entering, the doors to the church are still open and many have walked through those doors and into a new or restored relationship with God.
  • While our church buildings are dark, the church remains to be a light to the world, reflecting the brightness of God’s glory to the world.
  • While the last echos of laugher and edification have long since faded away in our church buildings, the church is as active as ever in building one another up in the most holy faith.
  • And while our church buildings are currently an unused tool in the churches’ toolbox, thank God it is not the only tool in our toolbox, and thus the work continues.

You know, what I’ve heard all my life is right!  The church is not the building, it’s the people, and this pandemic has demonstrated it. And for those who have for many years affirmed “the church is not the building” but who are upset because we are not able to meet at the building at this present time, I would encourage you to start believing what you’ve been preaching for all these years! The church building is not the focal point of our religion, Jesus is! Remember, the church is not a building, it’s the people!

by Steve Higginbotham


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