What used to be the “norm” is now so rare that it seems shocking!

Changing the “Norms”

A while back we pulled into an “old-fashioned” gas station in a small town. An attendant was waiting at the pump to serve us. He took our order, and while the gas was being pumped, he busied himself cleaning our windshield. The kids were shocked and kept saying, “He’s actually cleaning our windows!”  What used to be the “norm” is now so rare that it seems shocking!

The same sort of thing happens in religion. Over a period of time gradual and minor changes can lead folks far away from where they used to be. It finally gets to the point that what used to be the “norm” now seems odd, even shocking. Things that never would have been tolerated year’s ago were allowed to “creep in,” and now they have become totally accepted.

A good example of this gradual shift of “norms” can be seen in the matter of instrumental music. Few people realize that there was a great fight over this issue years ago – even among the denominations where it is now common. For instance, William Posey in his history entitled The Baptist Church in the Lower Mississippi Valley writes: “For years the Baptists fought the introduction of instrumental music into the churches … Installation of the organ brought serious difficulties in many churches.” But, if you talk to a Baptist today, he would think it very odd to even suggest a religious service without instrumental music. You see, the “norms” have changed!

It can happen to us, too – and it is. Simply observe how brethren talk and dress, where they go and what they do. Try to call them back to what used to be the “norm,” and they will treat you as if you are crazy! It is apparent that many are allowing gradual changes to take them farther and farther away from the absolutes that God has stated in His Word.

We need to “ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein” (Jer. 6:1 6) – and stop drifting from God’s “norms.” Think!

– by Greg Gwin

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