If a young couple bites off more than they can chew, a lifetime of giving is nearly squashed from the very beginning.

Start Right 

    Many times a young couple makes the decision to marry shortly after college days are over. Along with that extremely important decision, other decisions are made. The couple may decide to buy a home. They also may make decisions pertaining to furniture and automobiles.

What I especially want to emphasize is that if a young couple bites off more than they can chew, a lifetime of giving is nearly squashed from the very beginning. Young people need to understand the importance of giving before they enter the work force and they marry. Young people must be taught that some things are more important than things! They need to understand that they do not have to begin their new life at or above the level of mom and dad.

Julie (my wife) and I have fond memories of the tiny one bedroom house we rented when we first got married. (It set us back $150 per month!) That residence was a blessing to us. We have such fond memories and look back on it now and see that it was perfect for the occasion.

If we, and especially young people, aren’t careful, a few bad decisions can cripple giving for a lifetime. When we get ourselves in a situation where we struggle to meet our obligations, it is very doubtful that we will give as we should. May we have the wisdom to understand that happiness and faithfulness to God are not dependent on what we have. In fact, many times, “less is more.”

Daren Schroeder

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